YB Lee Chean Chung
Petaling Jaya

As someone who has been working and living in the Klang Valley for 12 years, I understand the hopes, issues, and challenges faced by the Petaling Jaya community. My ASPIRATION is to work with you to continue the changes starting from the community, parliamentary constituency, and national levels.
Let’s ensure PETALING JAYA continues to be a sustainable and prosperous development centre. PJ BOLEH!
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Dah siap beli baju raya ke semua…?
Selamat pulang ke kampung & berhati-hati memandu ye!
#ghibli #Raya #aidilfitri #ChatGPT … See MoreSee Less
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Ikut trend. 👍
Ada di Shah Alam – Sebentar lagi gerak pulang ke Kuantan. TQ YB
Sudah Yb , t.kasih
Sama ler colour kita yb..! Raya ni singgah le jengka yb..! 💪💪💪👍😁…abg jamal l.subang
Saya dah siap beli baju raya YB 👍
Sedia dipakai
Terbaik YB
Saya tak beli baju raya yb baju lama ada lagi yg tak pakai
Good karikatur. Dah beli baju raya. Awal lagi YB.
Tak beli baju baru..YB Pakai baju lama aje..
Moga sihat selalu YB.. Lama betul x jumpa..
Sudah beli YB.. baju raya yg ke 6 je jnt belum anto lg 😁🤭
belum yb! Baju raya ke 10 belom lagi! 🤣
Tak tahu la. Belum beli, yb. ^.^
Terbaik YB
Tak beli baju baru..YB Pakai baju lama aje..
Amazing 🤩
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Pemilihan Parti Keadilan Rakyat semakin hampir, dan saya percaya setiap anggota ingin melihat hala tuju terkini perjuangan kita. Dengan penuh tekad, saya mengumumkan hasrat untuk menawarkan diri sebagai Calon Ketua Cabang KEADILAN Petaling Jaya! ✊💪
Saya komited untuk merealisasikan janji-janji yang telah saya buat dalam PRU15 demi membangunkan Petaling Jaya yang lestari. Dalam minggu ini, saya akan mengumumkan manifesto cabang untuk masa depan kita bersama. Nantikan dan mari kita bergerak bersama ke arah kejayaan! 💪
#KEADILAN #petalingjaya … See MoreSee Less
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Parti penipu rakyat
Hoi hoi ya hoii siapa sokong penyamunn😁😁
All the best yb👍
All the best YB.
As a PJ resident, seriously i do not know what have you done in the past few years despite putting up your banners. There are so many issues in PJ that not solved
All the best YB
All the best YB
Good luck yb lee I alwys remember
Now no more Indera Mahkota. You have set a good foundation there.
Parti berat sebelah..tiada keadilan lg utk rakyat..cincau
All the best, YB
All the best to you YB.
very good Y.B
All the best YB
All the best yb
All the best YB
Bas percuma parking pun tak selesai Di pjs1 memang sampai skrg tak turun pun hanya Di pergi kawasan2 orang Kaya mau jumpa pun satu Kali tak boleh P A aja jawap sampai skrg p a tak boleh ambil appointment
sampah hanyut
Sy ulam . Lst² haprak
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Terima kasih. … See MoreSee Less
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Saya dijemput untuk menghadiri Mesyuarat Tindakan Ekonomi Selangor (MTES) yang membincangkan isu #pjdlink semalam.
Saya telah mengeluarkan pandangan bahawa jajaran yang dikemukakan oleh pemaju hanya sekadar pindaan jajaran lama dan bukan jajaran baru yang ditetapkan oleh Menyuarat Jemaah Menteri pada 8 Mei 2024. Beberapa wakil rakyat turut memberi pandangan yang sama.
Saya beranggapan bahawa sebagai penghormatan kepada keputusan jemaah menteri, sebarang perbincangan selepas ini wajar berdasarkan perbincangan jajaran yang baru, yang jelas bukan jajaran sedia ada.
Dengan ini saya berharap isu yang lama membelenggu rakyat Petaling Jaya ini dapat dinoktahkan, dan supaya semua pihak boleh tumpu kepada kelengkapan dan kemudahan pengguna pengangkutan awam.
YB Lee Chean Chung
Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya
Pengarah Komunikasi Nasional KEADILAN … See MoreSee Less
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Melawat Puan Kilpanjariamalar, isteri kepada Saunderaju atau “Ah Chun” yang telah diwadkan ke hospital PPUM sejak minggu lepas. Namun sehingga hari ini belum dapat diputuskan punca kesakitan.
Pendengaran beliau terjejas tapi cepat cam saya 😂.
Saya telah pesan kepada PPUM supaya menjalankan pemeriksaaan yang rapi kepada beliau. Moga cepat sembuh! … See MoreSee Less
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in which hospital
Get well soon.
get well soon
www-malaymail-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.malaymail.com/amp/news/malaysia/2025/03/25/dewan-neg… Dewan Negara passes CCUS Bill 2025, paving way for carbon capture and green growth "The Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) Bill 2025 was approved after its third reading by Economy Minister Datuk Seri Rafizi Ramli. — Bernama pic" "KUALA LUMPUR, March 25 — Dewan Negara has unanimously passed the Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) Bill 2025 today, paving the way for increased investment and economic growth. The bill was approved after its third reading by Economy Minister Datuk Seri Rafizi Ramli. Earlier, in winding up the debate on the bill, Rafizi stressed the need for a practical approach to its implementation. "If we want to keep our economy thriving and ensure that people will continue to have good job opportunities, we must strike a balance in carbon dioxide emissions. We need additional measures besides natural methods such as planting and preserving trees, which alone are insufficient. "This is why CCUS plays a crucial role in our national policy for carbon capture,” he said. Under Budget 2025, the government proposed to impose a carbon tax on the steel and energy industries by 2026 to encourage the adoption of low-carbon technologies. Meanwhile, Rafizi said the establishment of a CCUS hub would enhance the potential of East Coast states, particularly Kertih, as an industrial centre. "With CCUS, we can create new industries that will attract other sectors to these states. CCUS will serve as a key driver in decarbonising heavy industries,” he said. He added that state governments will be able to collect various taxes, including land and business taxes, while also generating employment opportunities. "Setting up CCUS facilities along the coast will require terminals, which in turn will generate revenue for state governments through standard fees. This is why CCUS offers a new lease of life to the heavy industry sector in the East Coast,” he said. The CCUS Bill was formulated based on a whole-of-nation approach, and the Ministry of Economy has established a national CCUS governance structure to ensure CCUS-related activities align with the Cabinet’s decisions. The governance structure consists of a steering committee, a technical committee and five focus groups, led by the Economy Ministry, with members from various ministries, relevant departments and agencies, state government, academia and industry players. — Bernama"
Get well soon
www.thestar.com.my/metro/metro-news/2025/03/25/homestay-regulations-needed-in-kl Homestay regulations needed in KL By JAROD LIM "Taman Seputeh residents say homestays should not be allowed in the residential area. SEVERAL residents in Taman Seputeh, Kuala Lumpur, are having sleepless nights ever since a landed property in their neighbourhood was turned into a homestay and event space. Resident CK Hong said the occupants would often hold weddings and parties until well past midnight. He said the residents had complained to the authorities about loud noise from that house and the occupants would get a stern warning from the authorities. Part 1
Semuga Ah Chun cepat sembuh
Semoga isteri Ah Chun cepat sihat
kepada isteri Ah Chun moga segera sembuh kepada Ah Chun moga bertabah kepada Lee Chean Chung… tahniah Yb prihatin
Get well soon Saudari
www-malaymail-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.malaymail.com/amp/news/what-you-think/2025/03/25/cyb… Cybersecurity is national security: Why Malaysia needs a legal framework for cyber warfare — Yusmadi Yusof
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Hari ini, kita meraikan Hari Polis ke-218 sebagai penghormatan kepada wira-wira negara yang sentiasa berjuang demi keselamatan rakyat.
Terima kasih kepada Polis Diraja Malaysia atas jasa dan pengorbanan yang tidak ternilai. Tanpa anda, Malaysia tidak akan menjadi negara yang aman dan tenteram seperti hari ini.
Salam hormat dan penghargaan buat semua anggota #PDRM!
#KEADILAN #PJLestari #perpaduan #harapan … See MoreSee Less
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Sejenis kawan yang akan muncul di saat-saat yang kita rasa lemah dan sudah tiada teman, ataupun masa yang memerlukan sokongan kekuatan. Itulah Arvin.
Pagi tadi saya menerima berita sedih bahawa Arvin Abdullah meninggal dunia pagi ini akibat serangan jantung.
Pemergiannya Arvin adalah satu kehilangan besar kerana Allahyarham adalah “a true comrade & friend”.
Takziah kepada keluarga dan semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat. … See MoreSee Less
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Deepest condolences to the family 🙏
Inalilahiwainahirajiun semuga rohny di cucuri rahmat.aamiin
Salam Takziah..!
Om Namah Shivayeh 🙏🌹
Sedih dapat berita ni
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Sempena dengan bulan Ramadhan ini, banyak pertubuhan bukan Kerajaan (NGO) turut bersama mengambil inisiatif dalam membantu menyebarkan kebaikan melalui sumbangan makanan kepada golongan yang memerlukan di sekitar Petaling Jaya.
Sumbangan ini sedikit sebanyak dapat meringankan beban mereka yang memerlukan disamping melakukan persiapan bagi menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri yang bakal tiba tidak lama lagi. Antaranya, CCEP FOUNDATION telah menjalinkan kerjasama dengan kawasan parlimen, menyatakan hasrat mereka untuk memberikan sumbangan kepada golongan yang memerlukan di kawasan tersebut.
Pada Selasa, pasukan CCEP dan pasukan parlimen telah mengunjungi Flat Gasing Indah dan mengedarkan barangan keperluan harian kepada beberapa keluarga B40 dan menghulurkan doa dan harapan tulus.
Semangat bantu-membantu tanpa mengira kaum ini merupakan gambaran sebenar keharmonian dan perpaduan yang ingin kita lihat dalam masyarakat. Semoga semangat muhibah dan kerjasama ini terus berkekalan dan menjadi asas kukuh untuk masa depan yang lebih baik.
#KEADILAN #PJLestari #perpaduan #harapan #ramadhan … See MoreSee Less
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Terbaikkk perkara yg harus di contohi untuk rakyat yg memerlukan semoga bantuan sebegini harus diteruskan bg manfaat rakyat tk kpd pihak YB dan pertubuhan CCEP diatas sumbangan tersebut
Terbaik YB Lee Chean Chung
Baru-baru ini, Pak Zakaria, ayah kepada rakan seperjuangan saya Khairul Zamir, terlibat dalam kemalangan jalanraya.
Beliau mengalami kecederaan pada bahagian mata dan telah dirawat di hospital, kini telah dibenarkan pulang ke rumah berehat.
Saya sempat menziarahi Pak Cik Zakaria dan bersyukur melihat beliau dalam keadaan sihat.
Semoga Pak Cik Zakaria terus diberikan kesihatan yang baik dan pulih sepenuhnya.
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#KEADILAN #PJLestari #Perpaduan #Harapan … See MoreSee Less
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get well soon
Thanks YB Lee ! We hope to have more YB's like you … God Bless You! Wishing Pa'Chik a speedy recovery too . 🙏
www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/opinion/2025/03/16/is-the-parliamentary-service-bill-constitut… Is the Parliamentary Service Bill constitutional? "No statutory body can be set up in the manner contemplated by the Bill which tinkers with the institutional framework set out in the Federal Constitution." "In its preamble, the Parliamentary Service Bill 2025 aims to provide for “the establishment of the parliamentary service and the parliamentary service council, administration of the parliamentary service and other related matters.” By Section 2 it says: “A service by the name of the ‘parliamentary service’ is established and shall constitute a separate service from the public service under this Act.” The civil service is provided for under Article 132 of the Federal Constitution. Among other things, that provision states that the public services shall consist of the federal and state general public service, the joint public services, the education service, the judiciary and legal service and the armed forces. In essence, “public services” under the constitution is the only legitimate body to protect the interest of all Malaysians. Part 1
Semoga sembuh dengan baik dan diberikan kesihatan yang baik menjelang 1 Syawal ini, Pakcik Zakaria
www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2025/03/17/whatsapp-groups-a-major-risk-for-personal-da… WhatsApp groups a major risk for personal data leaks, says expert "Ian Tan says WhatsApp groups expose users’ names, phone numbers and sensitive details, making them prime targets for scams and unsolicited messages." "WhatsApp allows users to hide their numbers from everyone except admins in community groups, but not in regular chat groups. (File pic)" "PETALING JAYA: An expert has warned that WhatsApp groups pose a major risk to personal data security, making users vulnerable to scams and unsolicited messages by exposing their names, phone numbers and other private details. Ian Tan, head of the School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at Heriot-Watt University Malaysia, said messaging platforms like WhatsApp are among the biggest sources of data leaks, leading to spam calls, phishing attempts and fraud." 1 "“From my perspective, a lot of information is shared when we join WhatsApp groups. In very large groups, it becomes difficult to control who might be leaking information,” he told FMT. “For example, if you own a property in a condominium, typically, there is a WhatsApp group for tenants or owners, and in that group your name, unit number and phone number are all visible, making it (WhatsApp) one of the largest unknown areas where personal information is leaked.”" 2 Part 1
Allahuakbar…semoga cepat sembuh Pakcik
Semuga sembuh segera
Terbaik YB Lee Chean Chung . Semoga ayah tuan Zamir cepat sembuh dan dipermudahkan urusan Meir PJ .
Terima kasih YB sudi ziarah dan doa yg diberikan
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