YB Lee Chean Chung

Petaling Jaya


As someone who has been working and living in the Klang Valley for 12 years, I understand the hopes, issues, and challenges faced by the Petaling Jaya community. My ASPIRATION is to work with you to continue the changes starting from the community, parliamentary constituency, and national levels.

Let’s ensure PETALING JAYA continues to be a sustainable and prosperous development centre. PJ BOLEH!

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14 hours ago
Lee Chean Chung

Saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Malaysia kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia ❤️

Bersama-samalah kita kekal mengukuhkan keharmonian rakyat pelbagai kaum dan agama di negara ini. Semoga negara tercinta ini terus makmur, maju dan gemilang !

#harimalaysia #selamatharimalaysia2024 #MalaysiaMadani #perpaduan
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Saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Malaysia kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia ❤️

Bersama-samalah kita kekal mengukuhkan keharmonian rakyat pelbagai kaum dan agama di negara ini. Semoga negara tercinta ini terus makmur, maju dan gemilang !

#HariMalaysia #selamathariMalaysia2024 #MalaysiaMadani #perpaduan
2 days ago
Lee Chean Chung

Sumbangan kepada Puan Nurlelawati, mangsa rumah terbakar di Blok G Taman Putra Damai, PPR Lembah Subang 1.

Saya turut bersimpati dengan keadaan mereka selepas rumah terbakar beberapa minggu lalu yang menyebabkan barang-barang keperluan harian habis terbakar dan perlu kos yang tinggi untuk proses pembaikian.

Puan Nurlelawati telah datang ke Pusat Khidmat Rakyat Parlimen Petaling Jaya bersama keluarganya untuk menerima sedikit sumbangan daripada pihak saya. Dengan sedikit sebanyak sumbangan ini dapatlah menampung kos sementara untuk membaiki rumah mereka.

Sebagai Ahli Parlimen, saya amat mengambil berat tentang penduduk kawasan sekitar saya sekiranya berlaku insiden yang tidak diingini. Saya mendoakan semoga Puan Nurlelawati sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki.
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Sumbangan kepada Puan Nurlelawati, mangsa rumah terbakar di Blok G Taman Putra Damai, PPR Lembah Subang 1.

Saya turut bersimpati dengan keadaan mereka selepas rumah terbakar beberapa minggu lalu yang menyebabkan barang-barang keperluan harian habis terbakar dan perlu kos yang tinggi untuk proses pembaikian. 

Puan Nurlelawati telah datang ke Pusat Khidmat Rakyat Parlimen Petaling Jaya bersama keluarganya untuk menerima sedikit sumbangan daripada pihak saya. Dengan sedikit sebanyak sumbangan ini dapatlah menampung kos sementara untuk membaiki rumah mereka.

Sebagai Ahli Parlimen, saya amat mengambil berat tentang penduduk kawasan sekitar saya sekiranya berlaku insiden yang tidak diingini. Saya mendoakan semoga Puan Nurlelawati sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki.Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment
4 days ago
Lee Chean Chung

Saya telah hadir bersama komuniti di kedua sambutan Pesta Tanglung (Mid Autumn Festival) anjuran Pusat Khidmat Rakyat Parlimen Petaling Jaya bersama Keturunan Lee Daerah Petaling di Dewan Serbaguna Gasing Indah. Sambutan di sini begitu meriah di mana kami dapat menyambut beramai-ramai bersama penduduk.

Seterusnya di PJS 1, Taman Medan konsep perayaan yang dianjurkan oleh SJK(C) Yuk Chyun dan Pusat Khidmat Rakyat Parlimen Petaling Jaya juga turut mendapat sambutan yang luar biasa dan meriah daripada kalangan penduduk, ibu bapa dan pelajar. Turut hadir juga Ahli Majlis Zon 17, Puan Norah binti Mansor meraikan perayaan bersama.

Saya begitu teruja dan terpegun dengan pelbagai persembahan sepanjang pesta tanglung berlangsung. Semoga tahun hadapan kita dapat lagi menyambut perayaan ini bersama.
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Saya telah hadir bersama komuniti di kedua sambutan Pesta Tanglung (Mid Autumn Festival) anjuran Pusat Khidmat Rakyat Parlimen Petaling Jaya bersama Keturunan Lee Daerah Petaling di Dewan Serbaguna Gasing Indah. Sambutan di sini begitu meriah di mana kami dapat menyambut beramai-ramai bersama penduduk.

Seterusnya di PJS 1, Taman Medan konsep perayaan yang dianjurkan oleh SJK(C) Yuk Chyun dan Pusat Khidmat Rakyat Parlimen Petaling Jaya juga turut mendapat sambutan yang luar biasa dan meriah daripada kalangan penduduk, ibu bapa dan pelajar. Turut hadir juga Ahli Majlis Zon 17, Puan Norah binti Mansor meraikan perayaan bersama.

Saya begitu teruja dan terpegun dengan pelbagai persembahan sepanjang pesta tanglung berlangsung. Semoga tahun hadapan kita dapat lagi menyambut perayaan ini bersama.Image attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

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It’s heartwarming when traditions are kept ongoing with every Malaysian partaking in the festivity… an experience that a multicultural society has the opportunity to!!!

I've commented this on Saifuddin Nasution's profile: Saifuddin Nasution, please rectify this. Our country is dying. Help us do something about it. How is it that full-blown activities such as this have escaped your attention?

5 days ago
Lee Chean Chung

Bertemu dengan rakan lama saya Sheikh Omar Ali. Sekarang beliau sibuk j̶u̶a̶l̶ mempromosikan nenas sebagai Pengerusi Lembaga Perindustrian Nanas Malaysia! 💪🏼 🍍 😂

Rupanya industi nenas kita pernah menjadi yang terbesar di dunia. Nenas penuh dengan vitamin C & enzim bromelain yang membantu penghadaman. Berkhasiat!

Sempat beliau memperkenalkan pameran nenas sempena MAHA – Malaysia Agriculture Horticulture & Agrotourism Show di MAEPS Serdang mulai hari ini (11 – 22 Sept).

Jom sapot petani kita! 🌽 🍍 🥒🥬
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Bertemu dengan rakan lama saya Sheikh Omar Ali. Sekarang beliau sibuk j̶u̶a̶l̶ mempromosikan nenas sebagai Pengerusi Lembaga Perindustrian Nanas Malaysia! 💪🏼 🍍 😂

Rupanya industi nenas kita pernah menjadi yang terbesar di dunia. Nenas penuh dengan vitamin C & enzim bromelain yang membantu penghadaman. Berkhasiat! 

Sempat beliau memperkenalkan pameran nenas sempena MAHA - Malaysia Agriculture Horticulture & Agrotourism Show di MAEPS Serdang mulai hari ini (11 - 22 Sept).

Jom sapot petani kita! 🌽 🍍 🥒🥬Image attachment

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program silat haritu 31/8 yb hadir takde post ke ?

www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2024/09/11/be-more-concerned-about-039non-halal-money039-gained-th… PETALING JAYA: Malaysians should focus on tackling "non-halal money" obtained through corruption rather than get embroiled in unnecessary debates on halal certificates, says Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz. "Be more concerned about wealth plundered by those with no integrity," the former international trade and industry minister said in a Facebook post on Wednesday (Sept 11). She added that the government should focus on tackling the issue of money obtained through graft and abuse of power by those in authority. "And (do) not to cause inconvenience to others, merely to ensure that the curry mee or fried rice etc must be certified 'halal'. "Muslims must remember that if you are in doubt, don't force yourselves to eat at those outlets. There are choices," she said. On Tuesday (Sept 10), Seputeh MP Teresa Kok had her statement recorded by the police after expressing her concerns and opposition to a proposal by the Malaysian Islamic Development Corporation (Jakim) to make halal certification compulsory for eateries that do not serve pork or alcohol. Kok had recently said this could be a burden to small businesses and restrict consumer freedom. Five police reports have since been lodged against Kok over her remarks, with police commencing investigations. Last week, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar said several laws would have to be amended to enforce mandatory halal certification. For now, halal certification is optional for food business operators. Rafidah noted that Muslims who are steadfast in adhering to Islam's tenets and rules do not need the government or its entities to help them decide what they can or cannot eat. She said such a move should be avoided to prevent government intervention in everyday life on the excuse of religion. "There is no reason for a government entity to compel every food outlet to have halal certification (just) to 'safeguard' Muslims. "They can always avoid going into any place especially to eat if they feel was-was (apprehensive) or ragu-ragu (doubtful) about what is sold there," she said. She added that there were many places for Muslims to choose from and others did not have to be burdened simply to protect Muslims from unIslamic food."

www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2024/09/11/audit-to-be-done-of-585-businesses-in-melaka-negri-semb… "MELAKA: The Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) will conduct an audit of 585 business entities involving companies and individuals in Melaka and Negri Sembilan during a three-day operation, codenamed "Op Jebat and Minang”, starting Wednesday (Sept 11). IRB deputy chief executive officer (Compliance) Datuk Hisham Rusli said that during the operation, summons would be issued to errant taxpayers. "The objective of this operation is to increase compliance and reduce tax evasion among taxpayers,” he said, adding that the operation would involve an audit of 327 business entities in Melaka and 258 business entities in Negeri Sembilan. He said this in his speech when launching the operation at Menara Hasil, Ayer Keroh here today. LHDN Tax Compliance Department Director Norfaidah Daud, Melaka IRB Director Shahriz Ramli and Negeri Sembilan IRB Director Mukhtar Abdul Kadir were also present.- According to Hisham, the Op Jebat and Minang is a continuation of several operations held nationwide before, namely Ops Hidang, Ops Borneo, Ops Zapin, Ops Gading, Ops Labuan, Ops Pantai Timur, Ops Mega and Ops Mega Corp. "I hope that this integrated operation will not only achieve its main objective of increasing the rate of tax compliance among taxpayers, but will also become a vehicle to help strengthen audit and technical knowledge among the officers involved. "I hope that by working together as a group, we can improve the skills of audit officers by cross-transferring knowledge among old and new audit officers," he said. – Bernama"

6 days ago
Lee Chean Chung

In view of the upcoming Parliamentary sitting scheduled on the 14th of October 2024, I am open to ideas or suggestions from all of you especially Petaling Jaya folks. If you have any questions regarding the administration of the nation or issues which you think requires an answer in Parliament, please feel free to send them in by clicking on the link below:




Anda Ingin Bertanya?

Bersempena dengan persidangan Dewan Rakyat yang bermula pada 14 Oktober 2024, saya ingin mengajak rakyat terutama warga Petaling Jaya untuk turut serta menyumbang idea atau pertanyaan berkaitan pentadbiran negara dan juga isu isu setempat.

Anda boleh terus ke pautan yang dinyatakan seperti di atas/bawah untuk memberi cadangan atau soalan untuk ditanya pada sidang Dewan Rakyat akan datang.

Terima Kasih.

Demi Petaling Jaya dan Malaysia yang Lestari!

Soalan :


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In view of the upcoming Parliamentary sitting scheduled on the 14th of October 2024, I am open to ideas or suggestions from all of you especially Petaling Jaya folks. If you have any questions regarding the administration of the nation or issues which you think requires an answer in Parliament, please feel free to send them in by clicking on the link below:




Anda Ingin Bertanya? 

Bersempena dengan persidangan Dewan Rakyat yang bermula pada 14 Oktober 2024, saya ingin mengajak rakyat terutama warga Petaling Jaya untuk turut serta menyumbang idea atau pertanyaan berkaitan pentadbiran negara dan juga isu isu setempat. 

Anda boleh terus ke pautan yang dinyatakan seperti di atas/bawah untuk memberi cadangan atau soalan untuk ditanya pada sidang Dewan Rakyat akan datang. 

Terima Kasih.

Demi Petaling Jaya dan Malaysia yang Lestari!

Soalan :


7 days ago
Lee Chean Chung

Semalam saya telah bersua bersama penduduk Taman Medan Jaya untuk melancarkan Program Jiwa Komuniti Madani Merdeka anjuran Komuniti Madani Medan Jaya bersama Ahli Majlis Zon 18, Encik Nabil Halimi

Amat membanggakan melihat ahli komuniti taman ini meraikan semangat kemerdekaan dan menerbitkan rasa patriotik terutamanya dalam jiwa anak-anak muda. Pelbagai acara diadakan, amat meriah melihat gelagat para penduduk menyertai pertandingan dan menyanyikan lagu-lagu kemerdekaan.

Terima kasih atas jemputan, semoga semangat ini berkekalan dalam sanubari pendudukan Taman Medan Jaya.
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Semalam saya telah bersua bersama penduduk Taman Medan Jaya untuk melancarkan Program Jiwa Komuniti Madani Merdeka anjuran Komuniti Madani Medan Jaya bersama Ahli Majlis Zon 18, Encik Nabil Halimi 

Amat membanggakan melihat ahli komuniti taman ini meraikan semangat kemerdekaan dan menerbitkan rasa patriotik terutamanya dalam jiwa anak-anak muda. Pelbagai acara diadakan, amat meriah melihat gelagat para penduduk menyertai pertandingan dan menyanyikan lagu-lagu kemerdekaan. 

Terima kasih atas jemputan, semoga semangat ini berkekalan dalam sanubari pendudukan Taman Medan Jaya.Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

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Terbaik yb..💪💪💪😁🌹🌹🌹

m.malaysiakini.com/news/718483 "The Malaysian Medical Association has named Dr Kalwinder Singh Khaira as its new president, taking over from Dr Azizan Abdul Aziz. In his inaugural speech at MMA’s Annual Banquet held in Kuching late yesterday evening, Kalwinder (above) said he aims to work with the Health Ministry towards establishing and securing a better future for doctors in public healthcare. “My main focus will be on doing all we can to provide and lay the groundwork for a better and more certain future for our doctors. "This encompasses looking at their right to job security, healthy work environment, specialist training options and opportunities, work-life balance, recognition of their efforts in terms of salaries, on-call allowances and also their mental well-being,” he said." 1 "Kalwinder added that the well-being of our doctors is invariably tied to the future of healthcare in our country as we aim to encourage our doctors to stay in service and serve the public. “We hope for more meaningful engagement with the government on the setting up of a healthcare reform commission as it will have an effect on the long-term future of healthcare and healthcare workers in the country. MMA, with its more than 17, 000 members will definitely like to give its views. “MMA acts not only as the voice of the medical doctors but has also always highlighted issues directly and indirectly related to the health care of our populace,” he said. As for doctors in private healthcare, the MMA president said there are still several unresolved issues that must be addressed." 2 "“There are issues in the private sector which begets attention and discussion. The issues with regards to the harmonisation of private GPs fee schedule as well as issues faced by private specialists with insurers and Third Party Administrators (TPAs) in the duty of care have been there for several years and warrants renewed attention” he said. He also said that the MMA would be looking into societal issues such as the control and regulation of the tobacco and vape industry, planning for the needs of an ageing population as well as control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). “Reforms to address these concerns are needed, in line with the Health White Paper. "Hopefully, we will see movement and progress in these areas towards achieving the desired outcomes,” said Kalwinder. He also expressed hope to engage regularly with the Health Ministry on issues affecting the country’s healthcare and the health of the population. Accelerate budget increase Commenting briefly on the upcoming National Budget 2025 which is to be tabled in October, Kalwinder said the plan to increase the nation’s healthcare budget in terms of percentage of our GDP must be accelerated. “This is not only for infrastructure development but also for the improvement of its most important asset – its healthcare personnel." 3 ""We thank the government for the new salary scheme (SSPA) taking effect in December, which we believe has brought some joy to all civil servants in the wake of the rising cost of living but there are other issues affecting doctors like the on-call allowances which we hope that the budget will provide for. “We note that the government has said there will be changes in the on-call allowances however we hope that the increase in quantum will be appropriate and apt for the responsibilities the doctors undertake.” He said increased on-call allowances are something that recognises the work that doctors do in ensuring 24-hour care to patients in hospitals." 4 "“This duty has never been a choice but a necessity in providing healthcare to patients and as such, entails many sacrifices by doctors who have to be in hospitals during weekends, public holidays and also on family occasions. They should be appropriately acknowledged” he said. He also stressed that retaining talent, especially junior doctors, will be vital for the future of our public healthcare system, and urged the government to look into the future of senior specialists and sub-specialists. “Many have been stagnating at Grade UD56 for many years. we need more Jawatan Utama Sektor Awam (Jusa) posts yearly to open up the bottleneck,” he said. Kalwinder is presently a Consultant Physician and Head of the Department of Medicine at the Sarawak General Hospital in Kuching. He also currently serves as an elected member of the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC), a post he has held since 2018, adjunct professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, chairperson of the Sarawak General Hospital Medical Graduate Association and council member of the College of Physicians Malaysia." 5 "MMA office bearers for the 2024-2025 term are: President: Dr Kalwinder Singh Khaira President-elect: Dr Thirunavukarasu Rajoo Immediate past president: Dr Azizan Abdul Aziz Honorary general secretary: Dr Vasu Pillai Letchumanan Honorary general treasurer: Dr Arvindran Alaga Honorary deputy secretaries: Dr Sivanaesan Letchumanan, Dr Sivabala Selvaratnam Private practitioners section chairperson: Dr Parmjit Singh Kuldip Singh Section concerning house officers, medical officers and specialists chairperson: Dr Timothy Cheng Tsin Jien" 6

1 week ago
Lee Chean Chung

Pihak Parlimen Petaling Jaya bersama Pertubuhan Bantuan Teknikal Insaf Malaysia telah mengadakan program penyerahan spek mata kepada 25 pelajar yang layak di Sekolah Kebangsaan Kampung Lindungan.

Sebelum ini Pertubuhan Bantuan Teknikal Insaf Malaysia telah membuat pemeriksaan secara percuma kepada pelajar Sk Kampung Lindungan dan menerima seramai 25 pelajar yang layak untuk sumbangan spek mata sebelum diserahkan.

Semoga sedikit sebanyak bantuan ini dapat membantu pelajar untuk lebih fokus kepada pelajaran tanpa mempunyai sebarang gangguan ataupun masalah penglihatan.
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Pihak Parlimen Petaling Jaya bersama Pertubuhan Bantuan Teknikal Insaf Malaysia telah mengadakan program penyerahan spek mata kepada 25 pelajar yang layak di Sekolah Kebangsaan Kampung Lindungan.

Sebelum ini Pertubuhan Bantuan Teknikal Insaf Malaysia telah membuat pemeriksaan secara percuma kepada pelajar Sk Kampung Lindungan dan menerima seramai 25 pelajar yang layak untuk sumbangan spek mata sebelum diserahkan.

Semoga sedikit sebanyak bantuan ini dapat membantu pelajar untuk lebih fokus kepada pelajaran tanpa mempunyai sebarang gangguan ataupun masalah penglihatan.Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment
1 week ago
Lee Chean Chung


Istimewa buat Warga Petaling Jaya, mari kita raikan Hari Malaysia dengan penuh semangat! 🚶‍♀🏃‍♂

Larian Lestari 3KM anjuran Pejabat Parlimen Petaling Jaya dan Komuniti Madani serta rakan-rakan kerjasama akan berlangsung buat pertama kali dan anda dijemput untuk sertai secara PERCUMA!

🎉 Tarikh: Ahad, 15 September 2024
🏃‍♂ Lokasi: Blok G & H, Taman Medan Cahaya
🎁 Yuran Penyertaan: PERCUMA!

Acara ini sesuai untuk semua lapisan masyarakat dengan 3 kategori penyertaan:

A) Bawah 18 (Lelaki & Perempuan)
B) Bawah 40 (Lelaki & Perempuan)
C) Veteran Atas 40 (Lelaki & Perempuan

Hanya TERHAD kepada 300 peserta sahaja! Jadi, jangan lepaskan peluang untuk sertai dan rebut hadiah menarik serta cabutan bertuah. Setiap peserta juga akan menerima:

👕 Baju eksklusif
🎒 String bag
🏅 Finisher medal
✅ Sarapan pagi PERCUMA
✅ Hadiah menarik & cabutan bertuah! 🎁

Ini adalah peluang anda untuk bersukan bersama komuniti sambil menyemarakkan semangat patriotik. Jom sama-sama melangkah ke arah kehidupan sihat dan lestari! 🌍🩵

📢 Daftar segera dengan imbas QR Code atau isi google form bit.ly/larianlestari2024 sebelum tempat penuh!

#LarianLestariPJ #HariMalaysia #PetalingJayaLarian #SukanUntukSemua #CabutanBertuah #LarianLestari #PJLestari #leeCheanChung #KomunitiMadani
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Istimewa buat Warga Petaling Jaya, mari kita raikan Hari Malaysia dengan penuh semangat! 🚶‍♀🏃‍♂

Larian Lestari 3KM anjuran Pejabat Parlimen Petaling Jaya dan Komuniti Madani serta rakan-rakan kerjasama akan berlangsung buat pertama kali dan anda dijemput untuk sertai secara PERCUMA!

🎉 Tarikh: Ahad, 15 September 2024
🏃‍♂ Lokasi: Blok G & H, Taman Medan Cahaya
🎁 Yuran Penyertaan: PERCUMA!

Acara ini sesuai untuk semua lapisan masyarakat dengan 3 kategori penyertaan:

A) Bawah 18 (Lelaki & Perempuan)
B) Bawah 40 (Lelaki & Perempuan)
C) Veteran Atas 40 (Lelaki & Perempuan

Hanya TERHAD kepada 300 peserta sahaja! Jadi, jangan lepaskan peluang untuk sertai dan rebut hadiah menarik serta cabutan bertuah. Setiap peserta juga akan menerima:

👕 Baju eksklusif
🎒 String bag
🏅 Finisher medal
✅ Sarapan pagi PERCUMA
✅ Hadiah menarik & cabutan bertuah! 🎁

Ini adalah peluang anda untuk bersukan bersama komuniti sambil menyemarakkan semangat patriotik. Jom sama-sama melangkah ke arah kehidupan sihat dan lestari! 🌍🩵

📢 Daftar segera dengan imbas QR Code atau isi google form https://bit.ly/larianlestari2024 sebelum tempat penuh!

#LarianLestariPJ #HariMalaysia #PetalingJayaLarian #SukanUntukSemua #CabutanBertuah #LarianLestari #PJLestari #leeCheanChung #KomunitiMadaniImage attachmentImage attachment

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Admin : Harap Maaf, pendaftaran untuk Larian Lestari telah di tutup.❤️

Done daftar 👏


Dah tutup.. x sempat nak join

Tapi saya nk daftar x boleh

Done ✅

www.nst.com.my/amp/news/nation/2021/09/728724/applicants-who-fail-get-place-public-universities-c… "KUALA LUMPUR: Applicants who fail to get a place in Public Universities (UA) may submit an appeal, 11 days after the announcement to check results of admissions for the 2021/2022 session made on Wednesday (Sept 15). The Higher Education Department's Public Higher Education Institutions (IPTA) Student Admission Division director Wahi Nordin said appeals could be submitted through the Student Admission Application System (UPUOnline)." 1 ""Applicants may submit only four appeal options, and the interview or test programmes only for options one and two. Only candidates who have failed (to get a place) will see an appeal menu, and for those who have succeeded and wish to switch to their first option, it is not possible. "I also wish to remind the candidates, that the application this time is a little tough, as many who got excellent results in their STPM (Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia) and matriculation levels did not get a place based on the choice of programmes which are very competitive," he said when appearing as a guest on the Bernama Bulletin programme today." 2 "Wahi said students would have a chance to get a place through the appeal process, but advised them not to re-choose the courses they had previously applied for, as they were likely to be full. "So candidates may choose programmes that suit their results in the four appeal options," he said. In addition, he said candidates who wished to submit a new application or missed out on applying through UPUOnline, could take note of applications opened by some UAs such as Universiti Teknologi Mara and Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris in the second semester in March next year." 3 "So candidates can look for the second-semester admission applications, not the second intake, they may apply directly to the university. Their chances (of getting a place) there are brighter based on their results," he said. He said the Higher Education Department would announce the decision of the appeals at the end of October, after the first group of students had registered at respective universities beginning Oct 15." 4 "Meanwhile, he said that the offer given was final, and applicants were not allowed to change courses or universities. "We have made those (course) choices based on merit, so if a candidate does not succeed in the first choice, but manages to get the fifth one, it means that his or her merit points are not enough for the first choice," he added. – Bernama" 5

Azizi bin Abdullah has been killing policemen, and that's why even the police are scared. He has promised them that he won't kill any of them anymore if they do all that he says. But this is where he's lied to them.

Updated: 7th September 2024 All of the bad things that Toh Seng Chee and siblings have done to Malaysians that many Malaysians are still unaware about: 0. For the Malaysian Chinese who migrate to China, their best possible hope is that the CCP will only keep watch on them. Would they even like the CCP to keep close watch on them? Ask about the actual position and the actual plans that the China Chinese have for the Malaysian Chinese. 0.a. Toh Seng Chee has brought in mostly ex-convicts, killers and even the Chinese military into Malaysia. And he got them to mingle with the Malaysian Chinese who play hosts. The worst that could happen to the Malaysian Chinese is that because these ex-convicts and killers already know how they look like and also how they are like, they may be used to kill these Malaysian Chinese. And Toh Seng Chee and siblings have their eyes on Malaysians going overseas. The solution: If all of us, together were to blame Toh Seng Chee and siblings, as the root of the problem, things might get solved faster. Because the ministers will be able to go after these siblings. And Toh Seng Chee and siblings don't care about Malaysians. They care mostly for themselves. They want to destroy Malaysia and have already destroyed Malaysia partially. Ask all of how Toh Seng Chee thinks Malaysia has won, based on his past thoughts, opinions, and intentions, if we do not want to cooperate with him. Someone had better report Toh Seng Chee to the ministers and quick. 1. Toh Seng Chee has suggested to the CCP to kill Malaysians. 2. And he plans to get the China Chinese to scam Malaysians of their money and leave the Malaysians with just millions. Maybe even in the single and double digits. 3.He has also lied to them about his bribes to them being life-long bribes. 4. Toh Seng Chee has also told a lot of lies to the Malaysian elites and also to the ordinary people. Ask about all the lies that he has told all of you. 5. And he has even told the China Chinese to scam even the Malaysian elites. 6. He has also gotten the China Chinese to lie to the Malaysian Chinese to keep them loyal to Toh Seng Chee's cause. Ask what have the China Chinese lied to the Malaysian Chinese about. 7. Some of these Malaysian Chinese act as hosts to these China Chinese. 8. The China Chinese are loyal to China, as are the Toh Seng Chee siblings. The Toh Seng Chee siblings have for so long been loyal to China, more so than Malaysia. And are currently afraid that their Malaysian influence will be wiped out, especially now. Toh Seng Chee has in fact given up on Malaysia since 2015. And he doesn't actually care about the fate of Malaysians. Not even the Malaysian Chinese. 9. The Toh Seng Chee siblings want to destroy Malaysia. And have for so many years done acts that are of national security threats to Malaysia. Toh Seng Chee is aware that what he is/was doing are already national security threats to Malaysia. Yet, he doesn't care. Because his loyalties are towards China and not towards Malaysia. 10. The Toh Seng Chee siblings are currently bribing the Malaysian Chinese for China. And the Toh Seng Chee siblings and the China Chinese have lied to the Malaysian Chinese to keep them loyal to Toh Seng Chee. When in fact what these group of people are getting them to do is in fact very much like the ISIS terrorism. What the Malaysian Chinese are doing is in fact very harmful to themselves, their nation and their country. Toh Seng Chee has brainwashed them. And this brainwashing by Toh Seng Chee has been in fact for years. He is a threat to national security because of doctrines that he has spread among the Malaysian Chinese young for years. And now this group of Malaysian Chinese currently have high volumes of money, but they aren't highly educated. All because of his doctrines. Toh Seng Chee already knew that what he is/was doing is crippling the country. He knew what he was doing is already a threat to our national security because he is depriving Malaysia of educated and skilled individuals. But he doesn't care. Because what he cares about is MONEY. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx What Toh Seng Chee and siblings are doing and have done is already considered a threat to national security. What they are doing is terrorism. Toh Seng Chee and siblings are currently afraid that the Malaysians will work with our ministers. And so his followers scare the Malaysians with the propaganda that the Malaysian ministers will take all their money away if they were to whistleblow to the ministers. When in fact, what the ministers would really do is to get them their money and for the rest of it, they will take the money from Toh Seng Chee and siblings' portion of the money. That's where there would be more money for Malaysia. And Toh Seng Chee already owes that money to Malaysia. Based on all of Toh Seng Chee's past and current actions… don't you think that the ministers are already really angry with Toh Seng Chee and siblings? Angry enough to convict them of all their criminal behaviour. So no worries, the ministers are on it. Our ministers are capable enough to handle this. But they do hope that all of you would pitch in since this is an issue of threats to our national security. What the Toh Seng Chee siblings are most afraid of now is that the Malaysians will work with our ministers. They are afraid that the Malaysians will whistleblow to the ministers. And so, the Toh Seng Chee siblings spread propaganda of fear so as to prevent the Malaysians from cooperating with our ministers. When in fact, our ministers want to help. The ministers will help. And Toh Seng Chee has done so much harm to Malaysia that they will want to take his money rather than the Malaysians' money. Because what Toh Seng Chee is currently doing is terrorism. Very much so like the ISIS terrorism. Since we already know his loyalties are to China.

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1 week ago
Lee Chean Chung


Tahniah Atlet powerlifting negara, Bonnie Bunyau Gustin baru sahaja tadi mendapat pingat emas kedua di Sukan Paralimpik Paris 2024 dalam acara powerlifting 72kg lelaki selepas mencatat angkatan ‘bench press’ 232kg.

Semoga terus maju jaya para atlet paralimpik kita 🔥

#Paralimpik2024 #ParalimpikParis2024 #powerlifting #TeamMalaysia
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Tahniah Atlet powerlifting negara, Bonnie Bunyau Gustin baru sahaja tadi mendapat pingat emas kedua di Sukan Paralimpik Paris 2024 dalam acara powerlifting 72kg lelaki selepas mencatat angkatan bench press 232kg.

Semoga terus maju jaya para atlet paralimpik kita 🔥

#Paralimpik2024 #ParalimpikParis2024 #powerlifting #TeamMalaysia

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Congrats Bonnie! He's seriously a powerhouse.

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