YB Lee Chean Chung

Petaling Jaya


As someone who has been working and living in the Klang Valley for 12 years, I understand the hopes, issues, and challenges faced by the Petaling Jaya community. My ASPIRATION is to work with you to continue the changes starting from the community, parliamentary constituency, and national levels.

Let’s ensure PETALING JAYA continues to be a sustainable and prosperous development centre. PJ BOLEH!

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2 days ago
Lee Chean Chung


Sempena pembentangan Belanjawan 2025, saya dikejutkan oleh dua mahasiswa di lobi. Oh saya sedar mereka adalah mahasiswa yang pernah menghadiri sesi lawatan ke parlimen tahun lepas dan mengundang saya sebagai panel dalam sesi dialog. Sekarang mereka sedang menjalankan internship di pejabat Tan Sri Speaker.

Nampaknya dialog tersebut berjaya menanam minat mereka terhadap sistem perundangan dan isu semasa! ✌🏼

Punca kuasa Parlimen adalah dari rakyat. Perdana Menteri dihasilkan di kalangan ahli-ahli parlimen. Parlimen satu-satu institusi yang mana anggotanya dipilih oleh rakyat untuk membawa suara mereka ke dalam pentadbiran. Rugi kalau kita kuat membantai, sering membayar cukai apabila makan KFC tetapi tidak pernah kunjung ke parlimen.

Saya mengajak sesiapa di Petaling Jaya yang berminat untuk hadir ke parlimen. Cari rombongan 10 orang dan pejabat saya akan aturkan dengan sebaiknya. Emel : [email protected].

Bersama kita merakyatkan parlimen. 💪🏼

📸 Instagram: instagram.com/cheanchung
🐦 Twitter: twitter.com/cheanchung
📠 Telegram: t.me/cheanchung
🎵 Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@cheanchung81?_t=8ffkPIaw7pS&_r=1
#KEADILAN #PJLestari #Perpaduan #Harapan
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Sempena pembentangan Belanjawan 2025, saya dikejutkan oleh dua mahasiswa di lobi. Oh saya sedar mereka adalah mahasiswa yang pernah menghadiri sesi lawatan ke parlimen tahun lepas dan mengundang saya sebagai panel dalam sesi dialog. Sekarang mereka sedang menjalankan internship di pejabat Tan Sri Speaker.

Nampaknya dialog tersebut berjaya menanam minat mereka terhadap sistem perundangan dan isu semasa! ✌🏼

Punca kuasa Parlimen adalah dari rakyat. Perdana Menteri dihasilkan di kalangan ahli-ahli parlimen. Parlimen satu-satu institusi yang mana anggotanya dipilih oleh rakyat untuk membawa suara mereka ke dalam pentadbiran. Rugi kalau kita kuat membantai, sering membayar cukai apabila makan KFC tetapi tidak pernah kunjung ke parlimen. 

Saya mengajak sesiapa di Petaling Jaya yang berminat untuk hadir ke parlimen. Cari rombongan 10 orang dan pejabat saya akan aturkan dengan sebaiknya. Emel :  parlimen105@pjlestari.com. 

Bersama kita merakyatkan parlimen. 💪🏼

📸 Instagram: https://instagram.com/cheanchung
🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/cheanchung
📠 Telegram: https://t.me/cheanchung
🎵 Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cheanchung81?_t=8ffkPIaw7pS&_r=1
#KEADILAN #PJLestari #Perpaduan #Harapan

15 CommentsComment on Facebook

Wow.. genarasi pelapis yg hebat..syabas

Mereka yang amalkan santai2 membaca perempuan dan lelaki Allah Jadikan khalifah Tentara persinggahan Allah al-.muhaimin al wakil al-Quddus Amalan mereka melakukan Assalamalakum Selamat senjatera Adik.beradik kawasan Seluruh dunia (((Masa lapang petang hari Niat satu kali Ya Allah setiap kali aku membaca masa petang hari Anugerahkan Bacaan aku Negara ada cahaya bulan untuk matahati umat nabi muhamaad saw Aamiin Al – hayuu al- qayyum ))) Usahakan untuk diri.sendiri Palaha sedekah bacaan Terus disampaikan Didalam debu rangka jasad Taman.Taman perkuburan islam . Seluruh dunia Tidak rugikan .diri sendiri Assalamalakum warahmatullah A'uzu billahi minasyaitanir rajim Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Subhanallah walhamdulillah wala ilaha illallah wallahu akbar 7x Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi subhanallahil"adzim Asfaghfirullahalazim 7x Aamiin astaghfirullahalazim allazi la ilaha illallah huwal hayyul qayyum wa atubu ilaih 3x aamiin laailaahaillallahu wahdahu la syari kalah lahulmul quwalahulhamdu wahuwa ala qullisyai in qadir subhanallah walhamdulillah wala ila haillallah huwallahuakhbar 1x Aamiin Walahaulawala quwwatailla billa hil aliyil azim 1x Aamiin Allahummainni as alukal firdaus… Tu nahisabin wala ala Aamiin bismillai masya allah la yasu qul khairan illallah Astaghfirullah hal adzim aamiin bismillai masya allah la yashri qussu haillallah Astaghfirullah hal adzim aamiin bismillai masya allah maa ka namin iakmatin ha minallah. Astaghfirullah hal adzim aamiin bismillai masya allah la haulawala quwwata illa billah. Astaghfirullah hal adzim aamiin BISMILLAHI FII KHANZILLAH Aamiin Jazallah huanna sayyidana muhammadan sallallahu a'laihi wasallam ma huwa ahluh 3×aamiin Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin 'abdika warusulika n-nabiyyi l-ummiyyi wa'ala aalihi wasahbihi wasallam. 7x Aamiin

Terbaik YB Lee

Saya harap tolong buat pagar dari Razak City Resident ke stesen LRT salak selatan. ( sudah dua kali ada budak jatuh ke parit, parit itu cukup dalam) terima kasih, tolong beritahu YB bahagian mana.


Pada sidang parlimen yang mana bahagian suasana keadaan perkara utama adalah seorang pemimpin me getahui Dan mendalami tatasusilah sesuatu kaum bagi mengatasi segala kepelbagaian masalah harain Dan kemajuan seiring pertimbangan sesama..kamu Danengambil perkara utama rutin harian agar peleraian masalah hanya simple saja..kaedah masa depan adalah pengaruh suasana harmony ini menjamin kehidupan yang jauh lebih matang..


Gaji naik barang naik, tiada fungsi kenaikan gaji. Pm cakap gaji naik, menteri ckp x semua naik. Saya pun naik 💉darah. Cakap tak serupa bikin. Dlu saya undi sbb nk hutang anak ptptipu settle,tiba² tak hapus, bayar jugak almost 50k. Apa ni?





Merakyatkan geng pmkn babi tnh besar China Melayu sial jea sokong kerajaan musibat sial nie


www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2024/10/1123002/silicon-island-project-tied-foul-odour-sludge-penangs-… Shouldn't our ministers ensure that our quality of life still remains the same, once they've undertaken the decision to go on with plans for our state's development particularly when it comes to constructions? Because of the hazards that would affect the residents, especially those who are living nearby. Because our Natural Resources, Environmental and Climate Change (NRECC) Minister, Nik Nazmi has given the green light for this project to go ahead…. So why isn't this construction being carried out according to agreed standards and regulations that must be carried out to ensure quality control of the surrounding environments? Especially in this scenario, our tourism industry is going to be affected. Not to mention,this too will affect marine life. This shows poor governance and poor execution. And Nik Nazmi probably shouldn't have given the green light for this project to take place. Please think about executing this project better if all you ministers have already decided to take up this project and are committed in carrying it out. I don't see much of the ministers' commitment in regards to the issue of the health and the livelihoods of the nearby residents due to happenings such as this. What's happening also spoils the surrounding environment. Not to mention causes great harm to the aquatic and marine animals that are in the vicinity too. Your execution is pretty bad. Not to mention the regulation for this project is pretty bad too for it to arrive at a situation such as this. Please improve. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFull Story Herexxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "BAYAN LEPAS: Pantai Esen, once a popular spot for visitors and photographers to admire sunsets, is now plagued by muddy sludge, foul odours, and blackened water. The situation is believed to be linked to the nearby Silicon Island development, which has worsened over the past two months with increasingly unbearable smells." 1 "Although the beach still offers stunning views, the odour is noticeable from 100m away. Due to the dark, muddy water, no visitors are seen swimming or playing in the area. Water sports operator Jaffar Ishak, 55, said Pantai Esen was once considered a "hidden gem," frequently photographed and featured in postcards. It was known for its clean, sandy beach, making it a favourite spot for family outings and activities like kayaking and boating. The beach also served as a popular stop for hikers and offered ATV services." 2 ""On weekends, the beach used to attract large crowds, especially during sunset, often causing traffic jams. Now, some visitors leave within half an hour because they can't tolerate the foul odour of the mud." 3 ""Many feel misled by social media portrayals and frustrated for not being warned about the conditions before renting buggies," Jaffar said. Visitors now have to walk nearly 1km to reach the beach or pay RM5 for a one-way buggy ride provided by local residents. Jaffar refrained from blaming any specific party but urged authorities to take action before the situation worsens." 4 "I'm not an expert, but my income from water sports has dropped by 70 per cent. The mud makes it difficult to launch kayaks and boats, and cleaning them afterward is a hassle," he added. Meanwhile, local resident Jaffar Osman, 66, voiced his disappointment with the project developer, saying they consulted fishermen but not the residents. He said that locals could no longer earn income from fishing or collecting clams, which are now often found dead and in declining numbers. "The developer never discussed the situation with the villagers, but we're the ones who have to endure the smell every day. "We've breathed fresh air since childhood, but now the odour is unbearable, and the situation is getting worse. It's heartbreaking. We hope this issue is addressed soon before things get even worse," he said. Videos of the sludge that went viral on social media last week showed mud nearly 5m deep along the beach." 5

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4 days ago
Lee Chean Chung

Saya akan memberikan pandangan saya berkenaan dengan Belanjawan 2025 di Bernama Radio 2 petang nanti.

✅ Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah, SARA & JKM
✅ Reformasi Ekonomi
✅ Kenaikan Gaji Minima RM1,700
✅ Tren industri baru

Jom ikutilah rancangan!

📸 Instagram: instagram.com/cheanchung
🐦 Twitter: twitter.com/cheanchung
📠 Telegram: t.me/cheanchung
🎵 Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@cheanchung81?_t=8ffkPIaw7pS&_r=1
#KEADILAN #PJLestari #Perpaduan #Belanjawan2025 #Parlimen
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Saya akan memberikan pandangan saya berkenaan dengan Belanjawan 2025 di Bernama Radio 2 petang nanti. 

✅ Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah, SARA & JKM
✅ Reformasi Ekonomi
✅ Kenaikan Gaji Minima RM1,700
✅ Tren industri baru

Jom ikutilah rancangan! 

📸 Instagram: https://instagram.com/cheanchung
🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/cheanchung
📠 Telegram: https://t.me/cheanchung
🎵 Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cheanchung81?_t=8ffkPIaw7pS&_r=1
#KEADILAN #PJLestari #Perpaduan #Belanjawan2025 #Parlimen
4 days ago
Lee Chean Chung

Komen segera Belanjawan 2025:

PMX sekali lagi menekankan bahawa segala usaha pertumbuhan ekonomi mesti tidak boleh terlepas dari tonggak utama, yakni untuk menjamin keselesaan rakyat melalui pendidikan, perumahan dan kesihatan. Saya berpendapat belanjawan ini beracuan MADANI ala PMX, iaitu segala usaha pembangunan dan rangsangan (menaikkan siling) akan berteraskan kehidupan rakyat (menaikkan lantai).

Dari segi transformasi ekonomi, Belanjawan 2025 telahpun menekan beberapa butang secara tepat. Antaranya Kerajaan tidak lagi memeluk FDI secara buta-buta, tapi lebih selektif. Mulai sekarang, limpahan ekonomi serta industri yang berpaksikan teknologi dan daya cipta akan diberikan pertimbangan khusus.

Ini bermakna kita telah mengguna pakai paradigma yang baru, iaitu membezakan pelaburan yang bernilai tinggi daripada yang lapuk, mengasingkan industri masa depan dengan sektor yang makin terbenam. Dalam falsafah ekonomi, ini merupakan kerajaan memandu (facilitative state), berbeza dengan kerajaan Laissez-faire (tidak buat apa-apa) ataupun Kerajaan Kleptokrasi.

Syarikat gergasi MNC juga disarankan supaya mengetatkan rantaian bekalan mereka dengan pembekal tempatan, dan kedua-dua pihak akan menikmati pakej insentif cukai. Fenomena ini ada istilahnya: backward linkages. Sekiranya MNC boleh membangunkan vendor dan pembekal tempatan, mereka “terpaksa” meningkatkan daya saing supaya dapat bersaing dalam rantaian global dengan pembekal lain, akhirnya akan menjadi sebuah firma yang bertaraf antarabangsa. Dalam erti kata lain, ini adalah untuk membangunkan rantaian perhubungan di belakang MNC ini supaya ada limpahan ekonomi dan ruang pembangunan untuk SME/PKS kita.

Satu lagi satu idea yang segar – perkumpulan ekonomi (economic clustering) juga akan diwujudkan berdasarkan kelebihan komparatif: industri Kimia di Gebeng Pahang, tenaga boleh baharu di Perlis dan Sabah, dan umpamanya. Ramuan ini bantu menumpukan hala tuju pembangunan berdasarkan endowment (ketersediaan) mereka.

Saya juga tertarik dengan pengumuman bahawa pihak yang berkuasa meluluskan PAS penggajian melibatkan graduan bukan warganegara adalah MIDA, dan PAS pekerja di Zon Ekonomi Khas Johor-Singapura (JSSEZ) oleh Suruhanjaya Sekuriti. Satu lagi anjakan paradigma! Ini adalah kerana kelulusan sebelum ini memang perlu melalui KDN. Perubahan ini jelas dapat meningkatkan kecekapan serta lebih responsif kepada keperluan ekonomi.

Langkah Kerajaan yang memperkasa kesejahteraan penduduk Program Residensi Rakyat (PRR) juga memberangsangkan. Kerajaan memperuntukkan hampir RM900 juta untuk pelaksanaan 48 PRR, selain RM200 juta untuk penyelenggaraan lif-lif usang (memang banyak kisah yang mendukacitakan).

Usaha Kerajaan untuk menangani isu malpemakanan sihat di kalangan anak-anak PPR Lembah Klang sebanyak RM5 juta sebenarnya selari dengan inisiatif yang saya jalankan di Petaling Jaya, menerusi Program Pemakanan Sihat dan Susu Percuma untuk kanak-kanak di perumahan kos rendah melalui penggunaan mesin layan diri (vending machine). Ianya dilaksanakan dibawah salah satu teras #PJLestari untuk menangani isu tumbesaran 22% kanak-kanak bawah umur 5 tahun yang terbantut.

Tidak hanya itu, Kerajaan mengambil langkah kedepan untuk turut merangka kerja pemerkasaan komuniti bagi memperkukuh peranan persatuan penduduk. Lihat sahaja contoh terkini PPR Lembah Subang 1 yang imejnya baru sahaja "dinaik taraf 5 bintang” oleh penduduk, kerana mendapat sokongan peruntukan oleh ThinkCity & K2K menerusi anjuran pertandingan kebersihan & keceriaan. Impaknya sangat positif! Saya yakin dapat diperkasakan lagi dengan adanya dorongan daripada pengumuman belanjawan tersebut.

#PJLestari #Petalingjaya #Belanjawan2025 #parlimen
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Komen segera Belanjawan 2025:

PMX sekali lagi menekankan bahawa segala usaha pertumbuhan ekonomi mesti tidak boleh terlepas dari tonggak utama, yakni untuk menjamin keselesaan rakyat melalui pendidikan, perumahan dan kesihatan. Saya berpendapat belanjawan ini beracuan MADANI ala PMX, iaitu segala usaha pembangunan dan rangsangan (menaikkan siling) akan berteraskan kehidupan rakyat (menaikkan lantai).

Dari segi transformasi ekonomi, Belanjawan 2025 telahpun menekan beberapa butang secara tepat. Antaranya Kerajaan tidak lagi memeluk FDI secara buta-buta, tapi lebih selektif. Mulai sekarang, limpahan ekonomi serta industri yang berpaksikan teknologi dan daya cipta akan diberikan pertimbangan khusus. 

Ini bermakna kita telah mengguna pakai paradigma yang baru, iaitu membezakan pelaburan yang bernilai tinggi daripada yang lapuk, mengasingkan industri masa depan dengan sektor yang makin terbenam. Dalam falsafah ekonomi, ini merupakan kerajaan memandu (facilitative state), berbeza dengan kerajaan Laissez-faire (tidak buat apa-apa) ataupun Kerajaan Kleptokrasi.

Syarikat gergasi MNC juga disarankan supaya mengetatkan rantaian bekalan mereka dengan pembekal tempatan, dan kedua-dua pihak akan menikmati pakej insentif cukai. Fenomena ini ada istilahnya: backward linkages. Sekiranya MNC boleh membangunkan vendor dan pembekal tempatan, mereka “terpaksa” meningkatkan daya saing supaya dapat bersaing dalam rantaian global dengan pembekal lain, akhirnya akan menjadi sebuah firma yang bertaraf antarabangsa. Dalam erti kata lain, ini adalah untuk membangunkan rantaian perhubungan di belakang MNC ini supaya ada limpahan ekonomi dan ruang pembangunan untuk SME/PKS kita.

Satu lagi satu idea yang segar - perkumpulan ekonomi (economic clustering) juga akan diwujudkan berdasarkan kelebihan komparatif: industri Kimia di Gebeng Pahang, tenaga boleh baharu di Perlis dan Sabah, dan umpamanya. Ramuan ini bantu menumpukan hala tuju pembangunan berdasarkan endowment (ketersediaan) mereka. 

Saya juga tertarik dengan pengumuman bahawa pihak yang berkuasa meluluskan PAS penggajian melibatkan graduan bukan warganegara adalah MIDA, dan PAS pekerja di Zon Ekonomi Khas Johor-Singapura (JSSEZ) oleh Suruhanjaya Sekuriti. Satu lagi anjakan paradigma! Ini adalah kerana kelulusan sebelum ini memang perlu melalui KDN. Perubahan ini jelas dapat meningkatkan kecekapan serta lebih responsif kepada keperluan ekonomi.

Langkah Kerajaan yang memperkasa kesejahteraan penduduk Program Residensi Rakyat (PRR) juga memberangsangkan. Kerajaan memperuntukkan hampir RM900 juta untuk pelaksanaan 48 PRR, selain RM200 juta untuk penyelenggaraan lif-lif usang (memang banyak kisah yang mendukacitakan).

Usaha Kerajaan untuk menangani isu malpemakanan sihat di kalangan anak-anak PPR Lembah Klang sebanyak RM5 juta sebenarnya selari dengan inisiatif yang saya jalankan di Petaling Jaya, menerusi Program Pemakanan Sihat dan Susu Percuma untuk kanak-kanak di perumahan kos rendah melalui penggunaan mesin layan diri (vending machine). Ianya dilaksanakan dibawah salah satu teras #PJLestari untuk menangani isu tumbesaran 22% kanak-kanak bawah umur 5 tahun yang terbantut.

Tidak hanya itu, Kerajaan mengambil langkah kedepan untuk turut merangka kerja pemerkasaan komuniti bagi memperkukuh peranan persatuan penduduk. Lihat sahaja contoh terkini PPR Lembah Subang 1 yang imejnya baru sahaja dinaik taraf 5 bintang” oleh penduduk, kerana mendapat sokongan peruntukan oleh ThinkCity & K2K menerusi anjuran pertandingan kebersihan & keceriaan. Impaknya sangat positif! Saya yakin dapat diperkasakan lagi dengan adanya dorongan daripada pengumuman belanjawan tersebut.

#PJLestari #Petalingjaya #Belanjawan2025 #parlimenImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

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Together we can YB 💪💪💪




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4 days ago
Lee Chean Chung

LANGSUNG: Persidangan Dewan Rakyat | Mesyuarat Ketiga Penggal Ketiga | Belanjawan 2025 See MoreSee Less

4 days ago
Lee Chean Chung

Buku paling panas hari ini! 😁

Menantikan LIVE 4 petang nanti di:


Apa yang anda inginkan dalam belanjawan ini? Kongsi dalam komen ya 👍🏼

#Belanjawan2025 #parlimen #malaysia #petalingjaya
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Buku paling panas hari ini! 😁

Menantikan LIVE 4 petang nanti di:


Apa yang anda inginkan dalam belanjawan ini? Kongsi dalam komen ya 👍🏼

#Belanjawan2025 #Parlimen #Malaysia #petalingjaya

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www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2024/10/1121649/creative-ads-must-still-follow-language-requirements-s… I think that if the primary name of the retail shops aren't in Bahasa Malaysia… They should have a secondary name that is in Bahasa Malaysia or in English. A translation maybe. So this is fair. So that the general public will be able to name that shop and to identify it.

6 days ago
Lee Chean Chung

Bahagian Penyelidikan & Perpustakaan Parlimen adalah wira tidak didendang, ataupun unsung heroes. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Bahagian mereka yang membantu ahli-ahli parlimen untuk menjalankan kajian dasar, penyelidikan rang undang-undang serta kerja-kerja persiapan ucapan rasmi.

Saya turut tumpang gembira dengan penerbitan Journal of the Malaysian Parliament 2024. Satu kejayaan untuk mendalami intelektual badan perundangan negara. Anda boleh rujuk kandungan online:


Bagi sesiapa yang ingin menyumbang artikel untuk jilid 2025, sila hantarkan sebelum 31hb Dis 2024 ya!

📸 Instagram: instagram.com/cheanchung
🐦 Twitter: twitter.com/cheanchung
📠 Telegram: t.me/cheanchung
🎵 Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@cheanchung81?_t=8ffkPIaw7pS&_r=1
#KEADILAN #PJLestari #Perpaduan #Harapan
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Bahagian Penyelidikan & Perpustakaan Parlimen adalah wira tidak didendang, ataupun unsung heroes. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Bahagian mereka yang membantu ahli-ahli parlimen untuk menjalankan kajian dasar, penyelidikan rang undang-undang serta kerja-kerja persiapan ucapan rasmi. 

Saya turut tumpang gembira dengan penerbitan Journal of the Malaysian Parliament 2024. Satu kejayaan untuk mendalami intelektual badan perundangan negara. Anda boleh rujuk kandungan online: 


Bagi sesiapa yang ingin menyumbang artikel untuk jilid 2025, sila hantarkan sebelum 31hb Dis 2024 ya!

📸 Instagram: https://instagram.com/cheanchung
🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/cheanchung
📠 Telegram: https://t.me/cheanchung
🎵 Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cheanchung81?_t=8ffkPIaw7pS&_r=1
#KEADILAN #PJLestari #Perpaduan #HarapanImage attachment

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1 week ago
Lee Chean Chung

Menghadiri Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Cabang (MATC) KEADILAN Petaling Jaya. Meriah! Saya gembira bertemu dengan ramai orang lama & baru yang bersama dalam perjuangan kita selama 25 tahun ini.

Program bermula dengan ucapan Ketua Cabang Hee Loy Sian 许来贤, diikuti dengan ucapan perasmian Datuk Azman Abidin, Setiausaha Politik YAB Perdana Menteri.

Turut hadir Dr. Fahmi Ngah, Exco Kerajaan Selangor merangkap ADUN Seri Setia, Halimey Abu Bakar, Penyelaras DUN Taman Medan, serta pimpinan cabang, sayap AMK & Wanita.

Sekarang kita menguasai satu Parlimen & dua DUN bersama parti rakan HARAPAN. Tapi pernah dalam sejarah yang mana Petaling Jaya merupakan kubu kuat parti lawan pada ketika itu yang mana calon KEADILAN hanya memperolehi 28% daripada jumlah undi pada tahun 2004.

Sejarah ini membuatkan kita cukup rendah diri dan tawaduk. Jangan angkuh dan selesa dengan kemenangan yang ada, malah kekalahan di DUN Taman Medan tahun lepas merupakan satu isyarat untuk mengejutkan kita supaya tangkas memperbaiki kelemahan yang ada dan terus bertambah baik khidmat, dasar dan penyampaian kita kepada rakyat.

Ayuh, terus berjuang demi rakyat dan negara!

📸 Instagram: instagram.com/cheanchung
🐦 Twitter: twitter.com/cheanchung
📠 Telegram: t.me/cheanchung
🎵 Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@cheanchung81?_t=8ffkPIaw7pS&_r=1
🗣️ Whatsapp Sukarelawan chat.whatsapp.com/HAxN6r8VdxAIg6wOnqXWBp

#KEADILAN #Petalingjaya #PJLestari #Cabang #Harapan
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Menghadiri Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Cabang (MATC) KEADILAN Petaling Jaya. Meriah! Saya gembira bertemu dengan ramai orang lama & baru yang bersama dalam perjuangan kita selama 25 tahun ini. 

Program bermula dengan ucapan Ketua Cabang Hee Loy Sian 许来贤, diikuti dengan ucapan perasmian Datuk Azman Abidin, Setiausaha Politik YAB Perdana Menteri.

Turut hadir Dr. Fahmi Ngah, Exco Kerajaan Selangor merangkap ADUN Seri Setia, Halimey Abu Bakar, Penyelaras DUN Taman Medan, serta pimpinan cabang, sayap AMK & Wanita. 

Sekarang kita menguasai satu Parlimen & dua DUN bersama parti rakan HARAPAN. Tapi pernah dalam sejarah yang mana Petaling Jaya merupakan kubu kuat parti lawan pada ketika itu yang mana calon KEADILAN hanya memperolehi 28% daripada jumlah undi pada tahun 2004. 

Sejarah ini membuatkan kita cukup rendah diri dan tawaduk. Jangan angkuh dan selesa dengan kemenangan yang ada, malah kekalahan di DUN Taman Medan tahun lepas merupakan satu isyarat untuk mengejutkan kita supaya tangkas memperbaiki kelemahan yang ada dan terus bertambah baik khidmat, dasar dan penyampaian kita kepada rakyat. 

Ayuh, terus berjuang demi rakyat dan negara!

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m.malaysiakini.com/news/722855 ‘Saifuddin's reply in Parliament reflects poorly on all agencies under his ministry.’ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFull Story Herexxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "MS: Is Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail typical of Madani ministers? Or is he better than the others bound entirely by self-interest? A marginally competent home minister with just a passing grade would have listened intently to the information provided, thanked his coalition member for alerting him to the Malaysiakini article and said that he would get the relevant investigation agency to probe the revelation about the "big fish". Instead, he chose to be smart Alec when he said: "I would like to ask Kepong (MP Lim Lip Eng) to tell Malaysiakini to give the names to us. We will pass the names to MACC so they can arrest the suspects. That would be easier. Get their full names and a list of their activities with proof, and I will pass the information on." His response reveals his absolute indifference to the criminality within the immigration, his airy dismissal of an allegation – a typical reaction we have seen in previous regimes. He has also implied that the MACC is totally incapable of doing what it is paid to do – investigate leads independently unless evidence is handed over on a platter. In a cabinet of equals, such a shameful performance would result in a tongue-lashing by fellow ministers embarrassed by his insolence and incompetence. Not so in a Madani cabinet, unfortunately, where closeness to Dear Leader trumps everything else. Cogito Ergo Sum: This is a despicable thing for the home minister to say. He is saying that their well-equipped and experienced enforcement agencies with all the resources of the government are clueless as to who the “big fishes” are. Saifuddin forgets that it was due to Malaysiakini's unwavering support to keep him in the news that brought Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim into power. Saifuddin's reply to Lim in Parliament reflects poorly on all agencies under his ministry. Koel: How incompetent of our Home Ministry, police and MACC, that it was the Malaysiakini who should be the ones to identify the “big fish” behind the medical visa syndicate who are still at large. Saifuddin should stop sounding like some helpless damsel in distress and do his job. How much more information can any media portal give him? He should have the investigative agencies under him to follow up on such public tips instead of asking civilians and his colleagues to do his job for him. If he is incapable of catching big fish criminals, he should do the right thing and step down. Let a competent and fearless individual lead the fight against corruption in these agencies. As it is, the country has already been paying for the incompetence of other ministries for decades. WhiteMarlin2060: It’s really shameful for a minister to make such comments. Every source of information should be investigated especially since the identity of certain masterminds have been hinted to and disclosed. To say that the public and media need to compile the evidence and deliver it to him to act as a postman to MACC just shows how incompetent he is at his job. PW Cheng: Ministers are being paid to do a job. They try to absolve themselves by throwing the responsibilities to third parties. That is how corruption flourishes, as when big fish are involved, ministers pretend to be dumb. I don’t think Lim had any ill intent when he asked the Immigration Department to apologise to Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Tiong King Sing. If you look at the bigger picture, Lim is sending a clear message that the immigration department is corrupt to the core. They will need to apologise to the Malaysian people for putting the country’s safety at risk. Dr Suresh Kumar: Saifuddin, is Malaysiakini your enforcement agency or your undercover investigative agent? A Bangladeshi known as Najib seems to know more than this unelected minister and his band of established enforcement agencies. Feigning ignorance to manipulate your way out is not going to exonerate you as we are dealing with scammers who pose threats to national security. Dummies Dhimmi: Sure, let's make Malaysiakini a branch of the MACC or the police. Our problem is that every form of corruption has free rein until somebody complains. Only then will some token-selective arrests will be made. It's then whitewashed and allowed to restart where it left off. There are seldom preventive measures, and if any, they will be “invented” to burden the customer, which is the rakyat. Umno and the opposition went after Tiong when he exposed it, not because of the crime committed but because Tiong rattled a well-established ring. Open minded 2281: Saifuddin, when Tiong went to the airport to expose corruption you supported the Immigration Department. As usual, you support the civil servants and that is why there are no reforms in the Home Ministry. What have you done to eradicate corruption? What is the outcome of Bangladesh workers' visa corruption where Bangladesh has clearly stated that Malaysian senior officials are involved? Sherlock: A minister should not react in such a manner, it is as if his tail is being stepped on. We should behave magnanimously, with a respectable bearing, instead of with such knee-jerk behaviour. Just proactively consult with the whistle-blower, and get the job done. Southpaw: If a news portal can investigate and find out the big fishes, what is the role of the authorities responsible for the crime? Don't drag the civil service down by asking a news portal to provide information. Doesn't he feel embarrassed? BlueBison5210: Why would any law enforcement agency head who is worth his salt ask journalists to give names openly? Yes, there are always journalists helping law enforcement teams to catch the so-called big fish. This is called a cordial win-win working relationship. This sounds like a child who got angry and threw a tantrum when someone pointed out he did not do his homework. Wong Fei Hoong: Saifuddin, if Malaysiakini knows who the big fish are and MACC does not, it shows how inefficient the Home Ministry is. Nobody is picking fights with anybody. This incident in Parliament exposes inefficiency within the government. Ade 007: MACC is a well-funded entity, and you expect Malaysiakini to do its job. Malaysiakini has provided sufficient leads for you to investigate. MarioT: I think we all should work together to get rid of corruption. Giving information to the authorities to investigate should not be used to interrogate the whistle-blower. Important to furnish evidence against anyone alleged to be involved in the syndicate. Most corruption appears to involve big and influential names. Otherwise, it would not have been happening so long, undetected."

codeblue.galencentre.org/2024/10/medical-officer-dies-in-penang-allegedly-from-overwork/ "A 31-year-old medical officer from Seberang Jaya Hospital in Penang was found dead, with fluid in her lungs, in her car in the parking lot of the hospital last June. The doctor’s family attributes her death to overwork, citing 30-hour on-call shifts." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFull Story Herexxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 16 — Another doctor in the public health service has died, with her family attributing her death to overwork from long on-call shifts. The Star reported that Dr Ch’ng Hooi Ping – a UD43 medical officer from the paediatric department of Seberang Jaya Hospital in Penang, according to the state health department – was found dead last June 27 in her car in the parking lot of her workplace. The 31-year-old doctor – who had received the results for her final paper for specialist training a week before her death – was reportedly found with fluid in her lungs." 1 "Dr Ch’ng’s post-mortem report identified acute pulmonary edema as the cause of death. Pulmonary edema is the abnormal buildup of fluid in the lungs. “As far as we knew, she had no history of illness,” Dr Ch’ng sister, named simply as Dr K, told The Star. She added that there were no signs of mental health problems or bullying of her sister. Dr K, who quit the public health service after the death of her sister, said doctors can work up to 30 hours during on-call duties. “Our on-call system is such that we have to come in to work at 8am in the morning and we can only go back the next day. Usually post-call is until 12pm, but we usually don’t go back at 12pm. If you calculate it, the working hours typically extend up to 30 hours,” said Dr K. “She has been putting in long hours for several years. I have experienced it myself, and I couldn’t take it too. I don’t think anyone can take it (in the long term).” Dr K, who previously served as a medical officer at another public hospital in Penang, said she herself was experiencing burnout and that her sister’s death was the final straw. Dr K is now doing locum work. “My intention is to help the doctors in the Health Ministry. I think most of them are burnt out and tired,” she said. “We have been grappling with the shortage of housemen and medical officers. Some medical officers are doing both the roles of housemen and medical officers. It is too tiring. Some of my friends are also depressed due to the long working hours and heavy workload.” Dr Ch’ng’s family is reportedly claiming compensation from the hospital where she worked. Before Dr Ch’ng’s family went to the press, another doctor in the Ministry of Health (MOH) – a chemical pathologist, Dr Tay Tien Yaa, died from suicide in her 30s last August 29. The young UD52 specialist doctor was head of the chemical pathology unit under the pathology department at Lahad Datu Hospital in Sabah. Dr Tay’s brother recently expressed a lack of confidence in a task force formed by the MOH to investigate her death that Dr Tay’s family attributed to workplace bullying. The six-member investigation team is headed by former Public Service director-general Borhan Dollah. Dr Tay’s mother told China Press that the family, who has appointed lawyers, was not seeking compensation, but justice and the truth about her daughter’s suicide." 2

1 week ago
Lee Chean Chung

Apa kata kita jadikan keliling rumah kita serupa dalam rumah kita? 🏡

Saya turun padang meneliti keadaan di Flat Medan 32, Blok E. Sampah merata. Longkang tersumbat ekoran pembuangan botol-botol air. Kereta lama yang tersadai.

Ini bukan perkara baru dan saya terpanggil untuk mencari punca & penyelesaian.

1️⃣ blok-blok tersebut tidak ada Joint-Management Body (JMB). JMB umpama “kerajaan” untuk pangsapuri anda. Tiada JMB maka seperti tiadalah kerajaan.

✅ Penyelesaian: Menghubungi COB untuk menubuhkan JMB dalam masa terdekat.

2️⃣ Kekotoran & Sampah. Loggokan sampah akan “mengajak” lagi banyak sampah. Ini namanya “Broken Window Theory” ataupun Hukum Tingkap Pecah. Kisahnya berlaku di downtown New York. Apabila makin banyak tingkap pecah, kadar jenayah akan meningkat kerana tingkap terpecah itu memberikan isyarat bahawa kawasan itu adalah tempat yang tiada undang-undang.

✅ Penyelesaian: Menganjurkan gotong-royong perdana bersama MBPJ, KDEB, agensi lain dan penduduk tempatan. Mengambil contoh tadi, perbaikilah tingkap tersebut dan tiada pihak yang didorong untuk melakukan jenayah.

3️⃣ Sikap dingin penduduk “Peduli Apa Ini Bukan Hal Saya”. Mereka tidak mengambil peduli kerana tidak terlibat dalam proses membuat keputusan serta berasa tidak berkuasa untuk mengubah keadaan setempat. Cabaran ini lebih besar dan memerlukan intervensi jangka masa panjang.

✅ Penyelesaian: Memperkasakan organisasi setempat seperti JMB, Persatuan Penduduk & Kawasan Rukun Tetangga (KRT). Bekerjasama secara erat dengan ahli majlis, ADUN atau Penyelaras dan pejabat saya juga akan cuba sebaiknya untuk membantu.

Bagi yang berminat menambahbaik situasi di Flat Medan 32, Blok E, sertailah sebagai sukarelawan #PJLestari & mendaftar melalui:


Jadikanlah keliling rumah kita serupa dalam rumah kita! 🏡
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Apa kata kita jadikan keliling rumah kita serupa dalam rumah kita? 🏡 

Saya turun padang meneliti keadaan di Flat Medan 32, Blok E. Sampah merata. Longkang tersumbat ekoran pembuangan botol-botol air. Kereta lama yang tersadai. 

Ini bukan perkara baru dan saya terpanggil untuk mencari punca & penyelesaian. 

1️⃣ blok-blok tersebut tidak ada Joint-Management Body (JMB). JMB umpama “kerajaan” untuk pangsapuri anda. Tiada JMB maka seperti tiadalah kerajaan. 

✅ Penyelesaian: Menghubungi COB untuk menubuhkan JMB dalam masa terdekat. 

2️⃣ Kekotoran & Sampah. Loggokan sampah akan “mengajak” lagi banyak sampah. Ini namanya “Broken Window Theory” ataupun Hukum Tingkap Pecah. Kisahnya berlaku di downtown New York. Apabila makin banyak tingkap pecah, kadar jenayah akan meningkat kerana tingkap terpecah itu memberikan isyarat bahawa kawasan itu adalah tempat yang tiada undang-undang. 

✅ Penyelesaian: Menganjurkan gotong-royong perdana bersama MBPJ, KDEB, agensi lain dan penduduk tempatan. Mengambil contoh tadi, perbaikilah tingkap tersebut dan tiada pihak yang didorong untuk melakukan jenayah. 

3️⃣ Sikap dingin penduduk “Peduli Apa Ini Bukan Hal Saya”. Mereka tidak mengambil peduli kerana tidak terlibat dalam proses membuat keputusan serta berasa tidak berkuasa untuk mengubah keadaan setempat. Cabaran ini lebih besar dan memerlukan intervensi jangka masa panjang. 

✅ Penyelesaian: Memperkasakan organisasi setempat seperti JMB, Persatuan Penduduk & Kawasan Rukun Tetangga (KRT). Bekerjasama secara erat dengan ahli majlis, ADUN atau Penyelaras dan pejabat saya juga akan cuba sebaiknya untuk membantu. 

Bagi yang berminat menambahbaik situasi di Flat Medan 32, Blok E, sertailah sebagai sukarelawan #PJLestari & mendaftar melalui:


Jadikanlah keliling rumah kita serupa dalam rumah kita! 🏡Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

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Jln PJS 1/56a bile?

Tanda2 awal nak mengundi

Tuan , saya berharap tuan yb turun oadang ke pasar tinjau keadaan peniaga ,Dgn permasalahan sewa yg tinggi hingga membebankan peniaga di sana

YB Lee where your YB taman medan mkn tidur ke…

Yb dtg la ke appt taman medan jaya Blok F,, tong sampah dah reput,, mohon dari awal tahun,, sampai skrg,, takde jawapan,, klu tak lulus pon,, tlg la bg tunjuk sebab,, senyap terus…. Yb turun tpt kami,, baru tau apa masalah kami,, semasa YB dtg utk program merdeka tempoh hari,, kami tak nak ganggu program YB,, utk tunjuk masalah kami,, oleh kerana YB dh post keadaan flet lain, kami pon nk juga mengeluh.. #blokfapptmedanjaya

Flet dkt Medan Blakang nun macam berhantu jer aku tgk. Lot yg x berpenghuni lgi bnyk dri yg di duduki. Dgn Bodi kereta yg blih buat Tukun or jual scrap, merata rata. Klo sampah jgn citer lh. PBT kna lupus kn kereta yg x lgi bolih di baik pulih ni…ada tu kereta burok di jadi kn store. Tolong ambil tau benda ni Wahai YB….

dah dekat hampir setahun apply tong sampah apa pon tarak…ahli majlis duduk opis goyang kaki langsung x lawat kawasan yg ahli parlimen pon sama goyang telor duduk opis bila mau undi baru cari rakyat dgr cerita peruntukkan taman medan rm1.8 juta ke atau rm1.4 juta. itu duit bikin apa bikin horey2 ke…..turun padang dekat tmn medan jaya tgok kawasan bukan jln2 cari makan…BODOH

Yb Nilai sendiri,, gambar yg saya share

Memang kotor area ni byk daki 🤭

Tengok sikit LA peniaga tepi jln yg ganggu pengguna jln raya itu yg penting nak tunggu eksiden baru bertindak

Aiman Khalidi apa nk jadi dgn tmpt ko ni man ???

Sharizan Damanhuri ambil berat sikit

Awie Bonda

Aizat A Rahaman

www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2024/10/14/aide-tells-of-election-night-drama-that-ensu… "PETALING JAYA: An aide to the prime minister has recounted an election night drama in 2022 that secured the Bagan Datuk seat for Barisan Nasional chairman Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, ensuring that BN would enter a coalition with Pakatan Harapan to form the government. Shamsul Iskandar Akin, the senior political secretary to Anwar Ibrahim, was one of three challengers to Zahid in Bagan Datuk. He said he had intended to call for a recount as he was behind by 348 votes, with 800 spoilt votes. But he was persuaded by a 2.30am phone call from Anwar not to proceed as he was told BN had agreed to join forces with PH to form a government. Anwar told him “This is the real thing. Please, use your wisdom”, he said. Zahid’s election in Bagan Datuk was critical, said Shamsul in the Apa Cerita podcast. Zahid’s seat gave BN 30 MPs, which combined with the 82 from PH, gave the alliance the 112 seats required to form the government. He said he had intended to push for a recount in Bagan Datuk, “but Anwar said Zahid had already signed a letter (agreeing for BN) to form the government with PH”. Shamsul said when Anwar called, “I told him we have to fight (for the seat). We have to make sure the votes are counted properly, since there were almost 800 spoilt votes. I mean, how could it be? I lost by 348 (votes), so we wanted to continue and (push for a recount).” “But Anwar said we were going to form the government. I asked Anwar, ‘Boss, is this really happening?’ and he said, ‘Yes, Sam, we are forming the government’,” said Shamsul. He added that he conceded to Anwar as it was “the general’s orders”, but admitted to feeling saddened having gone all out to wrest Bagan Datuk from Zahid’s grip after six terms as MP. The November 2022 general election resulted in a hung Parliament as no single party among PH, BN and Perikatan Nasional obtained the simple majority of 112 seats needed to form a government. Zahid stated on Nov 23 that he was informed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, in an audience at Istana Negara that afternoon, that BN must be part of a unity government to be formed. Anwar was appointed Malaysia’s 10th prime minister on Nov 24, after forming a grand coalition of PH, BN, Gabungan Parti Sarawak and Gabungan Rakyat Sabah and minor parties."

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1 week ago
Lee Chean Chung

Kopiwosian Sabah!

Ratusan pimpinan KEADILAN Sabah membanjiri dewan konvensyen untuk menghadiri Program POP/KEMAS16.

Apa itu POP/KEMAS?
POP = Pemerkasaan Organisasi Parti
KEMAS 16 = KEADILAN Menang Siri Pilihanraya 16

Latihan ini bertujuan memperkasakan cabang untuk melaksanakan program – membuka kaunter bergerak, phone bank, media sosial, menganjurkan forum, dan lain-lain. Semua program akan diselaraskan dengan app digital CISTA. 📱

Sabah menjadi gelanggang politik yang penting memandangkan PRN akan berlangsung tahun depan. Saya bersyukur kerana rakan seperjuangan begitu bersemangat semasa saya membentangkan strategi komunikasi & penerangan kepada mereka.

Yakin bahawa bersama KEADILAN kita mampu pertahankan kenegaraan, kepelbagaian dan sifat progresif tanah air kita. 💪🏼

📸 Instagram: instagram.com/cheanchung
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Kopiwosian Sabah! 

Ratusan pimpinan KEADILAN Sabah membanjiri dewan konvensyen untuk menghadiri Program POP/KEMAS16. 

Apa itu POP/KEMAS? 
POP = Pemerkasaan Organisasi Parti
KEMAS 16 = KEADILAN Menang Siri Pilihanraya 16 

Latihan ini bertujuan memperkasakan cabang untuk melaksanakan program - membuka kaunter bergerak, phone bank, media sosial, menganjurkan forum, dan lain-lain. Semua program akan diselaraskan dengan app digital CISTA. 📱 

Sabah menjadi gelanggang politik yang penting memandangkan PRN akan berlangsung tahun depan. Saya bersyukur kerana rakan seperjuangan begitu bersemangat semasa saya membentangkan strategi komunikasi & penerangan kepada mereka.

Yakin bahawa bersama KEADILAN kita mampu pertahankan kenegaraan,  kepelbagaian dan sifat progresif tanah air kita. 💪🏼

📸 Instagram: https://instagram.com/cheanchung
🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/cheanchung
📠 Telegram: https://t.me/cheanchung
🎵 Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cheanchung81?_t=8ffkPIaw7pS&_r=1
🗣️ Whatsapp Sukarelawan https://chat.whatsapp.com/HAxN6r8VdxAIg6wOnqXWBp
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www.thestar.com.my/news/focus/2024/10/13/the-mufti-bill-as-explained-by-legal-experts "The Mufti Bill, as it is popularly known, will define the role and the responsibilities of the Mufti in the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya. Among the duties written out in the Bill is that of the Mufti advising the King on Syariah Law (Section 4), the issuance of fatwas (Section 10), committees to check on fatwas (Section 7), lunar sightings (Section 22) and matters related to the Islamic religious education under Section 26. The Bill has raised controversy especially regarding the adherence to the Sunni denomination and the al-Asyairah and al-Maturidiyah schools of theology. " 1 "Some parties have said that the Bill is unconstitutional and threatens to undermine individual freedoms and human rights. Constitutional experts say what is being proposed is to consolidate all matters related to Mufti and his institution into a single Act which will apply only to the Federal Territories. They explain that although the Federal Constitution does guarantee freedom of religion under Article 11(1), there are provisions for the states to oversee and control the practice and propagation of the Muslim faith itself." 2 "The experts also point out that the Mufti Bill does not prevent legal challenges against rulings by the Mufti of Federal Territories. They, however, call for the Bill to embrace the Federal Constitution’s principle of inclusivity by accepting other Islamic schools of thought to foster better unity among the Muslims in the country. Clause by clause by constitutional experts According to constitutional law expert Dr Muhammad Hameedullah Md Asri of Universiti Malaya, Clause (4) of the same Article allows the State law, or in the case of Federal Territories, federal law to control or restrict the propagation of any religious doctrine or belief among persons professing the religion of Islam. “This is akin to the freedom of speech, which too has a number of exceptions – it is not absolute freedom. “The Bill under its Section 3 introduces the definition of 'Ahli Sunah Waljamaah'. A Sunni is defined as a person who, in respect of aqidah, follows the principles sources from the Ash'arism and Maturidism streams,” says Hameedullah. He further points out that a fatwa, when gazetted, shall be binding on every Muslims in the Federal Territories according to Section 11(1)(a) of the Bill. “Under the existing Syariah Criminal Offences (Federal Territories) Act 1997, there are a number of provisions which make it an offence to say, do or produce something against the fatwa. “For example, this might be considered as propagating 'false doctrine' under Section 4(1) of Act 559 and the guilty person may be subject to fine, or imprisonment or whipping or the combination thereof. “The question is, of course, not merely about restricting the definition of Sunni to only al-Asyairah and al-Maturidiyah but also, how are they going to treat those who recognise and adhere to another school of thought? “Are they excluded from Ahlus-Sunnah wa'l-Jama'ah?” Hameedullah argues. He says if the teachings are so fundamentally wrong and contrary to the basic principles of Islam, then those practising and propagating them can certainly be excluded as deviations. Hameedullah, however, calls on the legislators to look further into the Bill so as to embrace the principle of “inclusivity” found in Article 3(1) of the Federal Constitution as this will undoubtedly foster unity in the Muslims community rather than further divide them. Another constitutional expert, Datuk Assoc Prof Dr Wan Ahmad Fauzi Wan Husain, says that to understand the Mufti Bill, one must study the Federal Constitution’s jurisprudential and legal history analysis pertaining to Article 3(1) and Article 3(4). The International Islamic Thought and Civilisation (ISTAC-IIUM) expert says that this would then resolve ambiguities in interpreting the position of Islamic law in Malaysia." 3 "“The incorporation of Article 3(4) that states, ‘Nothing in this Article derogates from any other provisions of this Constitution’, had ultimately addressed the concern raised by the Malay rulers regarding the inclusion of ‘Islam as the religion of the Federation’ in early drafts of the Constitution. “This was due to the inherent responsibility of the Malay rulers to protect the faith of Muslim and freedom of religion among their subjects in their respective states. "Their attitudes were stipulated in the Memorandum of the Malay Rulers dated Sept 12, 1956, articulating their commitment to safeguarding Muslim faith, asserting that matters of Islamic beliefs, including religious freedom and tolerance, should remain under state jurisdiction,” explains Wan Ahmad Fauzi. He points out that the Constitutional Working Party Committee 1957 proposed that Islam would be recognised as the religion of the Federation, with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong as the head of religion, without undermining the authority of the Malay Rulers in their respective States. “The Mufti Bill was introduced to ascertain syariah laws within the space of Muslim personal law in the Federal Territories. “Article 3(5) designates the King as the Head of Islam in Kuala Lumpur, Labuan, and Putrajaya, allowing Parliament to regulate Islamic affairs and establish an advisory council. “The Federal Territory Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP) was formed to assist the Agong in maintaining Muslim faith according to proper teachings, benefiting both a Muslim and the Muslim community in Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya only. “Expertise in Islamic law is critical for the roles of Mufti and the Fatwa Committee, where personal preferences should not influence these roles. While local customs dictate schools of thought to be followed in preventing divisions among Muslims, the door for ijtihad (juristic reasoning) remains open. “The Mufti Bill adheres to the Shafi'e school of thought, reflecting the long traditions respected in the Malay context. Although it prioritises the Shafi'i school, references to other schools are permitted if suitable guidance is lacking, provided they align with Ahlus Sunnah wa Jamaah to avoid disunity and unnecessary conflicts,” says Wan Ahmad Fauzi." 4 Part 1

www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/leisure/2024/10/13/rajesh-ramasamy-from-estate-boy-to-stem-cel… "How this 48-year-old overcame obstacles to become an expert in regenerative medicine and give back to the community that shaped him." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFull Story Herexxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "PETALING JAYA: When Rajesh Ramasamy was a boy growing up on the Nagalilit Estate in Padang Serai, Kedah, he couldn’t have imagined how his life would turn out. As the oldest of six, Rajesh didn’t have big ambitions back then. But there was one thing he knew for sure: I just wanted my parents to be happy. His mum and dad, both rubber tappers, would wake up before dawn for work and take on odd jobs to make ends meet. Once, his mother even pawned her jewellery to pay for his school exam fees. These sacrifices inspired Rajesh to study hard and make them proud. Today, Rajesh is an associate professor at University Putra Malaysia’s (UPM) faculty of medicine and health sciences. A lab-based immunologist specialising in regenerative medicine, he is also the principal investigator of the Stem Cell & Immunity Research Group, as well as a coordinator for the Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences. Yet, I only learnt to speak Bahasa Malaysia well in secondary school and English at university, the 48-year-old, who lives in Seri Kembangan, shared with FMT Lifestyle." 1 "As an associate professor, he has graduated 10 PhD and 10 master’s students. Indeed, the father of three is on a mission to instil the same values of hard work and dedication in future doctors and specialists. This is my way of giving back: I nurture them to be good scientists. And I go the extra mile for Tamil-school students; I will never say no to Tamil schools. It’s where I come from. Rajesh credits his success to his teachers at SJK(T) Ladang Victoria in Padang Serai. I wouldn’t be where I am without them, he emphasised. One teacher in particular – Mr Rajagopal, who managed the school library – made a lasting impact on him. Rajesh was a bookworm and would often read in the library while waiting for the bus. It was only open for 30 minutes, but Mr Rajagopal noticed I loved reading, so he extended the hours just for me. Because of him, I developed a love for Tamil literature, Rajesh recalled fondly, noting that he now owns over 1,000 books and has won several Tamil short-story competitions." 2 "While literature is a passion, Rajesh’s true calling lies in science. He always dreamt of becoming a doctor but missed out by a few points. Travelling 25km daily for STPM classes, he said, made it tough to excel. Although he didn’t get into medical school, he earned a full scholarship to study biomedical science at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, bringing him closer to his dream. After obtaining his doctorate from Imperial College London, he became a pioneer in stem-cell research in Malaysia, particularly in immune response. We use stem cells to finetune people’s immune response to prevent diseases and enhance the body’s ability to regenerate, he explained. Rajesh’s interest in traditional Indian medicine plays a big role in his work: he holds a diploma in siddha medicine and is working to merge its principles with modern medicine. My goal is to decode it, combine it with regenerative medicine, and see how it can treat certain conditions, he added." 3 "Currently, Rajesh is leading a research project introducing specific herb extracts into a stem-cell environment to enhance their healing properties. The results are incredible, he said excitedly. The secretions we get from these modified stem cells are 100 times more effective at treating diseases. Outside the lab, he continues to give back. Since 2006, he has been a part of the Malaysian Indian Educational Development Association (TheMIND), mentoring students until they complete their SPM – one of whom is studying aerospace engineering at UPM. Rajesh is also involved in the Association of Science, Technology, and Innovation, serving as the chief judge at science fairs to inspire a love for STEM subjects among Tamil-school students. He’s thrilled to see two of his former science-fair participants now pursuing medical degrees at his university. Ultimately, Rajesh’s dedication to nurturing young minds through community-driven work reflects the core principle by which he lives. “Do good to everyone and give back. None of us are here alone. Many people shaped who I am today, and it’s my responsibility to do the same for others." 4

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