YB Lee Chean Chung
Petaling Jaya

As someone who has been working and living in the Klang Valley for 12 years, I understand the hopes, issues, and challenges faced by the Petaling Jaya community. My ASPIRATION is to work with you to continue the changes starting from the community, parliamentary constituency, and national levels.
Let’s ensure PETALING JAYA continues to be a sustainable and prosperous development centre. PJ BOLEH!
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Bersempena musim persekolahan yang akan tiba, hari ini Parlimen Petaling Jaya telah menganjurkan Program Back to School 2025, hasil kerjasama strategik bersama MYDIN & ABARO. Ini juga dilaksanakan selari dengan kempen CSR MYDIN, Jelajah Generasi Pintar 2025.
Hasilnya, 50 penerima yang datang dari keluarga kurang berkemampuan di sekitar Petaling Jaya dapat membeli belah set kelengkapan sekolah yang terdiri dari baju sekolah, kasut, stokin, beg, alat tulis dan sebagainya di Mydin HQ Subang.
Setiap sumbangan walau banyak mana nilainya sekali pun amat bermakna kepada
adik-adik kita yang merupakan pelapis kepada generasi akan datang. Justeru, usaha ini bagi memastikan anak-anak tidak keciciran pelajaran & pada masa sama meringankan beban kewangan ibu bapa sempena musim persekolahan.
Semoga bantuan ini akan menjadi kenangan kepada adik-adik bagi membantu golongan yang memerlukan apabila dewasa nanti.
#KEADILAN #PJLestari #Perpaduan #Harapan #backtoschool #mydin #Abaro … See MoreSee Less
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1. Kaukus Palestin Parlimen Malaysia menyambut baik jawapan yang diberikan oleh Menteri Luar Negeri terhadap soalan yang dikemukakan Ahli Parlimen Ledang, Pengerusi Kaukus Palestin, dalam Dewan Rakyat mengenai:
* Usaha membebaskan Palestin daripada cengkaman rejim Zionis.
* Usaha menyingkirkan Israel dari keanggotaan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB)
* Kerjasama Malaysia-Jepun dalam CEAPAD bagi pembangunan semula Palestin.
2. Malaysia telah menunjukkan komitmen teguh dalam membela hak rakyat Palestin melalui diplomasi antarabangsa, bantuan kemanusiaan, dan desakan di platform global. Walaupun terdapat halangan seperti kuasa veto di Majlis Keselamatan PBB, usaha Malaysia bersama negara-negara sepemikiran seperti dalam kumpulan The Hague tetap diteruskan bagi menegakkan keadilan dan akauntabiliti terhadap jenayah perang Israel.
3. Malaysia perlu terus memperkukuh kerjasama dengan ASEAN, Asia Timur, BRICS dan negara Global South bagi:
* Meningkatkan tekanan diplomatik untuk menyingkirkan Israel daripada PBB.
* Mendukung tindakan undang-undang antarabangsa, termasuk membawa Israel ke Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa (ICJ) dan Mahkamah Jenayah Antarabangsa (ICC).
* Memastikan pembangunan semula Gaza berjalan lancar dengan sokongan negara-negara sepemikiran.
* Menolak sebarang cadangan pemindahan rakyat Palestin dari tanah air mereka, yang bertentangan dengan prinsip hak asasi manusia.
4. Malaysia sebagai Pengerusi bersama CEAPAD dengan Jepun berperanan penting dalam pembangunan semula Palestin. Oleh itu, Kaukus Palestin Parlimen Malaysia menggesa:
* Mesyuarat CEAPAD disegerakan bagi merangka strategi pembangunan Gaza.
* Lebih banyak penyertaan negara-negara ASEAN dan Asia Timur dalam membantu Palestin.
* Kawalan ketat terhadap penyaluran bantuan bagi memastikan bantuan sampai kepada rakyat Palestin yang memerlukan.
5. Kami amat terkejut dan mengecam sekeras-kerasnya kenyataan terkini Presiden Amerika Syarikat, Donald Trump, yang mencadangkan penghapusan rakyat Palestin dari Semenanjung Gaza, serta sokongan yang diberikan oleh Perdana Menteri Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.
6. Retorik seperti ini bukan sahaja tidak bertanggungjawab, malah mencetuskan duluan atau precedent berbahaya dalam tata dunia, mencabuli prinsip kedaulatan, hak asasi manusia, dan undang-undang antarabangsa.
7. Rakyat Palestin telah menanggung penderitaan, penindasan, dan pengusiran selama lebih tujuh dekad. Mencadangkan pengusiran mereka dari Gaza bersamaan dengan menyeru kepada pembersihan etnik, satu pelanggaran serius terhadap undang-undang kemanusiaan antarabangsa serta penghinaan terang-terangan terhadap maruah manusia.
8. Kami menegaskan sokongan tidak berbelah bahagi terhadap perjuangan rakyat Palestin dan menyeru masyarakat antarabangsa untuk menolak kenyataan berunsur provokasi ini.
9. Dunia tidak boleh berdiam diri dalam menghadapi retorik berbahaya ini. Kami menyeru kepada penghentian segera segala bentuk keganasan, penindasan, dan diskriminasi terhadap rakyat Palestin serta menggesa masyarakat antarabangsa untuk berganding bahu dalam mencari keamanan yang adil dan berkekalan.
10. Kaukus Palestin Parlimen Malaysia menyeru kepada kerjasama lebih erat antara Ahli Parlimen Malaysia dan Asia Tenggara untuk:
* Menggerakkan tekanan terhadap kerajaan masing-masing untuk memperkukuh sokongan kepada Palestin.
* Memacu bantuan kemanusiaan dan pembangunan melalui CEAPAD dan inisiatif lain.
* Memperkukuh jaringan diplomatik antara Parlimen dan badan antarabangsa bagi mendesak akauntabiliti ke atas Israel.
11. Malaysia akan terus berperanan di pentas antarabangsa dalam menegakkan hak rakyat Palestin. Kami menggesa para pemimpin dunia untuk mengambil pendirian tegas terhadap sebarang tindakan atau kenyataan yang mengancam kestabilan dan keselamatan rantau ini.
Kaukus Palestin Parlimen Malaysia
6 Februari 2025 … See MoreSee Less
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Well said. Well done.
codeblue.galencentre.org/2025/02/malaysian-health-care-system-a-collapse-in-denial-medical-office… Malaysian Health Care System: A Collapse In Denial? — Medical Officer "A medical officer says comparing Malaysia’s public health care system to the UK’s NHS “reflects a dangerous level of denial and a refusal to address the systemic problems that are pushing the health care system to the brink of collapse.”" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFull Story Herexxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "The Malaysian health care system has long been a source of national pride, often touted as one of the most accessible and affordable in the region. However, recent developments suggest that the system is teetering on the brink of collapse, despite assurances from Health Minister Dzulkefly Ahmad that all is well. The reality on the ground paints a starkly different picture: a mass exodus of medical professionals, overworked and underpaid staff, and a system struggling to cope with increasing demands. Dzulkefly’s refusal to acknowledge these issues is not just a failure of leadership but a dangerous delusion that threatens the health and well-being of millions of Malaysians." 1 "The Brain Drain Crisis: Doctors and Nurses Fleeing For Greener Pastures One of the most alarming signs of the health care system’s decline is the massive brain drain of medical professionals. Doctors and nurses, the backbone of any health care system, are leaving Malaysia in droves, seeking better opportunities abroad. Countries like Singapore, Australia, and the Middle East offer significantly higher salaries, better working conditions, and more opportunities for career advancement. For many Malaysian health care workers, the decision to leave is not just about financial gain, but about escaping a system that has failed to value their contributions. The numbers are staggering. According to the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA), over 5,000 Malaysian doctors have left the country in the past decade. This trend shows no signs of slowing down, with more young doctors opting to complete their housemanship and then immediately seeking opportunities overseas. The loss of experienced nurses is equally concerning, with many citing burnout and poor working conditions as their primary reasons for leaving. The impact of this brain drain is felt acutely in public hospitals, where the shortage of medical staff has reached critical levels. Hospitals are understaffed, and those who remain are forced to work longer hours to cover the gaps. This not only compromises the quality of care but also puts immense pressure on health care workers, leading to fatigue, stress, and, ultimately, more resignations." 2 Part 1
codeblue.galencentre.org/2025/02/bullying-in-malaysian-health-care-a-shadow-pandemic-dr-lone-rang… Bullying In Malaysian Health Care: A Shadow Pandemic — Dr Lone Ranger "A psychiatrist, who’s now working in UK’s NHS, says bullying drove her to the brink when she was HO/ MO in MOH hospitals. “I lived on the 21st floor of a high-rise; it was only the thought of my rescue cat that kept me from making a devastating decision.”" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFull Story Herexxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "The health care system in Malaysia, particularly within the Ministry of Health (MOH), is often regarded as a well-oiled machine, where professionals dedicate themselves tirelessly to their work, despite occasional shortcomings in support from the higher echelons of management. However, beneath the surface, a disturbing and pervasive issue lurks — bullying within the medical fraternity. This problem is rarely discussed openly, yet it affects countless health care professionals across the country. As someone who has worked within the system as both a house officer and a medical officer in various hospitals throughout Malaysia, I have personally experienced and witnessed the extent of this issue. Bullying in the health care setting goes far beyond verbal abuse or unfair treatment; it is a systemic problem, ingrained at every level of the profession. Unfortunately, no specialty is exempt from its reach. During my time as a house officer, I encountered bullying both subtle and overt. A frequent tactic was the unfair treatment I received from senior colleagues, often communicated through group chats on WhatsApp. What seemed like benign messages conveyed veiled criticism, derision, and disrespect. Verbal abuse, too, was commonplace, with harsh words and tones used to belittle junior staff in front of patients and peers. I still vividly remember moments when I was humiliated publicly, which shattered my confidence and made me question my very purpose in the profession. Naturally, this took a significant toll on my emotional and mental wellbeing. Yet, there was nowhere to turn for support. The unspoken expectation was clear: “Just suck it up and keep moving forward.” And so, I did — as did so many of my colleagues. Those who couldn’t endure such mistreatment either quit their jobs or, tragically, their lives. When I transitioned to my role as a medical officer, I entered the field of psychiatry — my passion since medical school — with the hope that this specialty would offer a different environment." Part 1
Jawapan Lisan Dari MENTERI PERUMAHAN DAN KERAJAAN TEMPATAN mengenai adakah terdapat perancangan Kementerian untuk membina sebuah balai bomba di Taman Medan memandangkan terdapat lot/tanah rizab sedia ada untuk pembinaan tersebut dan apakah pelan mitigasi untuk menangani risiko keselamatan di Taman Medan yang berada jauh dari balai bomba yang lain.
#Keadilan #PJLestari #perpaduan #harapan #parlimenmalaysia … See MoreSee Less
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Terbaik YB👍
Sekurang kurangnya YB dah mencuba .. seterusnya boleh tubuhkan Bomba Komuniti mungkin akan ada sambutan dari penduduk setempat …
6 FEB 2025
Sehingga hari ini, Ahli Parlimen Gopeng dan Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya telah menerima 91 aduan bahawa mangsa-mangsa (pemilik premis dan pengguna berdaftar) dituntut pampasan berjuta-juta dari pihak Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB-Pemegang Lesen),kerana mereka didapati bersalah atas kes usikan pepasang meter (KUPM) premis.
Kami telah berdialog dengan mangsa-mangsa sebelum ini, dan sidang media telah
dipanggil bertujuan penerangan latar belakang kes-kes tersebut dan menuntut kerajaan menetapkan tindakan serta dasar bagi memerangi penjenayah yang sebenar iaitu sindiket yang terlibat dengan “Bitcoin Mining” secara haram tanpa mematuhi kerangka undang-undang. Tumpuan kerajaan seharusnya terhadap sindiket tersebut dan pada masa yang sama memastikan hak para pengadu dapat dilindungi dengan sebaik mungkin.
Kami amat menghargai tindakan pantas TNB yang berjanji untuk bertemu dengan para pengadu dalam masa terdekat bagi mencari penyelesaian atas basis “case-by-case”.
Namun, apa yang paling kami harapkan ialah agar kerajaan, Suruhanjaya Tenaga dan
TNB dapat merangka satu penyelesaian jangka panjang bagi masalah kecurian elektrik bukannya hanya ambil langkah sementara.
Mengikut laporan dari TNB menunjukkan bahawa kecurian tenaga akibat aktiviti “Bitcoin Mining”haram semakin berleluasa yang telah mengakibatkan kerugian TNB RM3.4 bilion dalam tempoh tahun 2018 sehingga tahun 2023. Walaupun nilai kerugian mungkin kecil dari segi peratusan tetapi jumlah sebenar sudah tentu jauh lebih besar daripada apa yangdilaporkan kerana kami percayai angka yang diumumkan hanya melibatkan kes-kes yang dikesan.
Harus kita ingat bahawa setiap hasil tenaga melibatkan subsidi kerajaan dengan kata lainmelibatkan wang rakyat. Maka adalah penting kami berada di sini bukan semata-mata melindungi hak para pengadu, tetapi mempertahankan hasil tenaga TNB, Wang Rakyat dan sektor tenaga negara.
Maka, langkah-langkah untuk memerangi sindiket tersebut amat penting, Pertama, melindungi hak rakyat agar tidak terus menjadi mangsa dan lesap wang rakyat,dan Kedua, bagi memastikan TNB dan rakyat tidak lagi menanggung kerugian besar akibat aktiviti haram oleh sindiket tersebut.
Bagi menangani isu ini, kami menggesa kerajaan untuk mengambil tindakan berikut:
1. Mencadangkan TNB meningkatkan sistem pintar
Walaupun TNB turut menanggung kerugian dalam isu ini, tetapi pihak TNB sebagai
pemegang lesen perlu meningkatkan sistem pengesanan, termasuk memperkukuhkan pemantauan pintar di stesen utama dan “feeder pillar” di setiap kawasan, demi mempercepatkan pengesanan sebarang aktiviti haram tersebut, serta mengambil tindakan segera untuk menyekatnya.
2. Meminda Rangka Perundangan bagi Menjamin Tanggungjawab Bersama antara
Pemilik Premis dan Penyewa
Pada masa ini, undang-undang meletakkan liabiliti sepenuhnya terhadap pemilik premis,walaupun kesalahan dilakukan oleh penyewa. Oleh itu, perlu diwujudkan model akauntabiliti bersama bagi memastikan penyewa juga bertanggungjawab dan
mengelakkan sindiket mengeksploitasi kelemahan undang-undang.
3. Menggesa Pemilik Rumah ambil langkah proaktif
Kami juga menggesa pemilik premis supaya memantau penyewa dengan lebih teliti
selepas menyewakan premis, serta wajib segera menukar nama pemilik akaun di TNB.
Ini termasuk melengkapkan proses Biometric Fingerprint System di TNB bagi
mengelakkan penyalahgunaan kad pengenalan oleh sindiket yang berniat jahat untuk menjalankan aktiviti haram.
Kami memahami bahawa masalah ini telah lama wujud, tetapi kami akan terus
bekerjasama dengan pihak berkaitan untuk mendorong penambahbaikan dan reformasi di pihak pemegang lesen iaitu TNB.
Usaha ini bertujuan memastikan TNB memberikan pengalaman yang lebih baik kepada rakyat dengan sikap yang positif dan proaktif, sekali gus mengelakkan individu yang berniat jahat atau sindiket haram mengambil kesempatan tersebut. … See MoreSee Less
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Betul YB, Isu tuduhan mengusik meter juga berlaku di pangsapuri kami. Pemilik rumah banyak mengadu dengan pengurusan bangunan. Mereka mengatakan bahawa tidak pernah mengusik meter kerana takut dengan renjatan elektrik. Tiba² bil elektrik datang dan surat mengatakan berlaku usikan meter dan TNB menuntuk jumlah yang kurang munasabah yang perlu dibayar. Pihak Pengurusan hanya dapat membantu mengeluarkan surat kepada TNB untuk buat pemeriksaan semula meter.
Masalah orang kaya yang mempunyai aset utk disewa. Tetapi tersilap sewa kepada geng buat Bitcoin mining ???
Don’t strike negative note over Malaysia’s chairmanship of ASEAN
Malaysia’s chairmanship of ASEAN is something that should be viewed as an opportunity and I for one am happy to endorse the initiatives of prime minister Anwar Ibrahim during this exciting time.
That’s why I was disappointed to read the flimsy reasoning of an academic who delivered a deflating verdict over the start to Malaysia’s chairmanship, which follows previous stints in 1977, 1997, 2005, and 2015.
Prime Minister Anwar is set to lead the 10-member bloc under the 2025 theme of "Inclusivity and Sustainability," addressing pressing regional issues such as disputes in the South China Sea and the ongoing civil war in Myanmar.
Malaysia will host over 300 key meetings and programs throughout the year and also plans to undertake various initiatives in areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), renewable energy, tourism, and healthcare.
In May 2025, Malaysia will host the inaugural ASEAN-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Plus China Summit. Make no mistake, this is an exciting time as our country helps navigate the geopolitical sensitivities and potential of a block of nations that is home to close to 700 million citizens.
Timor-Leste is on the verge of attaining full membership in Asean, having actively participated in the grouping’s affairs since being granted observer status in 2022.
It’s worth noting that Anwar was criticised for selecting former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, as an Asean adviser, yet surely this is an astute move as Thaksin has the experience and credentials to help engage on issues in Indochina and Myanmar.
It is true that many issues need engagement, including democratic developments in some of the most volatile regions of Asean. The member countries also need to negotiate trade exchanges and navigate global powers such as the US and China as well as situations such as the war in Palestine. The prime minister has shown able diplomacy and leadership in these difficult situations.
On a personal note I was happy to participate three months ago as part of the Asean Parliamentarians for Human Rights – APHR Malaysia Members Meeting with the regional secretariat coming from Jakarta and Manila.
Along with Subang MP Wong Chen and former Klang MP Charles Santiago, we discussed strategies to advocate for climate change justice, the Myanmar crisis and local progress for fundamental human rights.
And just last week, ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR) expressed its full support for the petition filed by fisherfolk and environmental groups, Pamalakaya and Kalikasan in December 2024, asking the Supreme Court of the Philippines to nullify all reclamation permits and Environmental Compliance Certificates (ECCs) granted to companies involved in reclamation projects in Manila Bay.
The petition directly responds to the widespread environmental damage caused by these reclamation projects and their devastating impact on the livelihoods of local fisherfolk and coastal communities.
I also have a role as deputy chair of the South East Asia Parliamentary Against Corruption (Seapac) grouping. This is a scourge across the region and we have to work together to cut down on it.
Overall, I am happy to contribute my part in advancing human rights, anti-corruption initiatives and environmental justice for the people living in this region.
I also call upon our citizens to look upon this as a great opportunity, instead of leaping to overtly negative conclusions.
YB Lee Chean Chung
Member of Parliament Petaling Jaya
National Communication Director of KEADILAN … See MoreSee Less
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Bodek kuat
My friend let's get your acts together, how to empower others when we have discrimination right in our backyard ,once PKR was championing freedom of speech, equality, fair education , corruption and etc etc , now you sleep with the devil's and speak and condone what's devil's do.
[Update:Telah dijumpai]
Polis Dearah Petaling Jaya telah mengeluarkan kenyataan akhbar pada 31 Januari mengenai seorang wanita Cina berusia 34 tahun, Yong Jia Yien telah hilang selama beberapa hari.
Sehingga kini, keluarga masih mencari dia.Harap orang ramai yang ada sebarang maklumat boleh hubungi pihak polis, bagi membantu polis dan keluarga menemuinya secepat mungkin. Terima kasih.
Hubungi Polis: 03-77222222 … See MoreSee Less
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Could we perhaps find for long-term solutions to at least resolve such cases quickly? And missing persons cases seem to happen in Malaysia a lot. And so why haven't we come up with solutions so that such things don't happen anymore? Or at least, have methods that we can apply to resolve such cases quick…before any harm befalls the missing person
www-nst-com-my.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.nst.com.my/amp/news/nation/2025/02/1169549/experts-deba… Experts debate PKR's uncontested leadership talks By Mohamad Al As "Experts debate PKR's uncontested leadership talks Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's senior political secretary, Datuk Seri Shamsul Iskandar Md Akin said, “Contesting is democracy. Not contesting is also democracy. When there is no contest, it means negotiations have taken place. Negotiation itself is democracy.” Bernama pic "KUALA LUMPUR: Ongoing negotiations within Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) to avoid contests for its top positions may be crucial in ensuring political stability, but concerns are raised over democratic principles, transparency, and credibility. "Rather than risk splitting the party as the government is not fully stable yet, not having a contest is good. However, it is bad in terms of democracy," said International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) lecturer Assistant Professor Dr Lau Zhe Wei when reached by the New Straits Times. This was after Anwar's senior political secretary, Datuk Seri Shamsul Iskandar Md Akin, confirmed that negotiations are underway to avoid a contest for the presidential and deputy presidential positions in May. Shamsul said, "Contesting is democracy. Not contesting is also democracy. When there is no contest, it means negotiations have taken place. Negotiation itself is democracy." Lau argued that negotiations, by nature, exclude many party members from decision-making, and are therefore not democratic. "One thing's for sure; negotiation is not democracy because in a negotiation, not everyone is involved. Only stakeholders are involved," he added. Nevertheless, he also dismissed the likelihood of a challenge for the party's presidency. "I don't think there would be any contest. Especially after Azmin Ali is no longer in the party, I couldn't see there being any candidate able to challenge Anwar Ibrahim," he said. He also acknowledged that if an agreement was broadly accepted, internal divisions could be minimised. "If they really managed to come to a kind of negotiation that is agreeable to everybody, like what happened in Bersatu, then there shouldn't be any cohesion issue," he said. IIUM political analyst and Iseas-Yusof Ishak Institute fellow Associate Professor Dr Syaza Shukri, on the other hand, said that negotiations can be democratic, but stressed the need for transparency. "It has to at least be transparent. Who is involved in this negotiation? On what basis did they make the decision? Do they have members' consent to negotiate on their behalf? "This does not reflect well for a party that was founded on reformist ideals," she said. She argued that both the presidency and deputy presidency should be contested, even if the outcome is predictable. "Although we know realistically if it goes to election, Anwar would still hold the president post, it should be tested. Similarly with the deputy, it is an important position that needs the members' support for the stability and cohesion of the party," she said. Syaza warned that avoiding elections could fuel internal dissatisfaction, particularly for the deputy president position, which has multiple contenders. "I believe there would be those who are unhappy with this decision, especially for the deputy post. This could lead to further factionalism," she noted. While acknowledging that elections also create divisions, she argued that they provide legitimacy to the winners. "After the result is tallied, there is credibility for the winning candidate and the party can close ranks again. Without an election, it becomes a forced top-down unity," she said. Meanwhile, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia law and policy researcher and lecturer Associate Professor Dr Muhammad Fathi Yusof said that the right to conduct internal negotiations exists within PKR but must not override members' constitutional rights to contest. "They have the freedom to have such arrangements. But finally, the decision must not in any way prevent members who want to contest," he said. He, however, cautioned that party rules must be upheld, regardless of any supposed negotiation. "It cannot be binding because the constitution of the party that gives freedom to their members to participate in party leadership must prevail," he added."
www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2025/02/05/pj-woman-found-inside-car-died-from-suffocat… PJ woman found inside car died from suffocation, say cops "An autopsy revealed Yong Jia Yein’s cause of death as suffocation due to a lack of oxygen in an enclosed space." "Yong Jia Yein’s body was found inside a grey car at the parking lot of Remis beach in Jeram, Kuala Selangor." "PETALING JAYA: Yong Jia Yein, the 34-year-old woman who went missing last week and was found dead yesterday, had died from suffocation, according to police. Kuala Selangor police chief Azharudin Tajuddin said an autopsy revealed the cause of death as suffocation due to a lack of oxygen in an enclosed space, Utusan Malaysia reported. The case remains classified as sudden death. Her body was handed over to her family this morning. Yong was last seen leaving her home at Pelangi Utama Condominium here in her car on Jan 29, the first day of Chinese New Year. Yesterday, police found her lifeless body inside a grey car at the parking lot of Remis beach in Jeram, Kuala Selangor. The car’s doors were locked and firemen had to pry the doors open to remove the woman’s body. Initial investigations revealed no criminal elements or physical injuries."
www-nst-com-my.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.nst.com.my/amp/opinion/columnists/2025/02/1169246/asean… Asean must use science diplomacy to get to space "By Zakri Abdul Hamid Collaboration with global space entities can lead to projects that address development issues. IN a New Year message delivered on Jan 21, Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Chang Lih Kang proposed that Malaysia embark on a major initiative in the space economy with Asean members. This is also timely as it coincides with Malaysia assuming the chairmanship of Asean this year. Coined by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development in 2006, the space economy covers exploration, research and technology applications. It has become an important part of global infrastructure, driving the emergence of new technologies, such as small satellites, broadband and the Internet of Things. McKinsey & Company highlights its potential to create value across industries and solve global challenges In 2024, the space economy was valued at US$596 billion, largely due to satellite communications. Analysts predict it could reach US$1.8 trillion by 2035. Satellite services, especially satellite communications, are considered the largest contributor to the space economy. This figure includes satellites, launchers, and services like broadcast television or GPS. Space technology also helps companies across industries generate revenues. Grab, for example, relies on satellite signals and smartphone chips to connect drivers and riders while providing navigation in every city. The United States, China, and Russia are the main players in the global space economy. India, France, and the Netherlands are increasing their involvement. However, these countries lack adequate indigenous technological know-how and infrastructure in the space economy. Asean solidarity can play a key role. Science diplomacy connects us with advanced nations, providing access to knowledge, training, and technology through partnerships with space agencies, such as the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and the European Space Agency. Through joint research programmes and international fellowships, we can build expertise in satellite technology, remote sensing, and space applications. Asean countries face challenges in formulating space policies and regulatory frameworks. Through science diplomacy, they can engage in international discussions, align policies with global best practices, and secure representation in decision-making bodies such as the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. We can help ensure that space laws are not skewed in favour of developed nations, advocating for fair access to orbits, radio frequencies, and space resources. With increasing commercialisation of space (for example, asteroid mining, satellite constellations), developing nations risk being left behind. Science diplomacy helps advocate for an inclusive global space governance system that ensures fair benefits from space-based assets. It can help ensure that space applications benefit local economies through improved climate monitoring, disaster management, precision agriculture, and connectivity. (For example, satellite broadband for rural areas.) Collaboration with global space agencies can lead to projects that address development issues, such as early warning systems for natural disasters or monitoring deforestation. Science diplomacy can create an enabling environment for foreign direct investment in local space industries by facilitating cooperation between governments, international agencies, and private sector players, such as SpaceX and OneWeb. Developing countries can use diplomatic channels to negotiate technology-sharing agreements and attract investments in satellite manufacturing, ground stations, and launch facilities. Furthermore, engaging in science diplomacy ensures that Asean nations contribute to discussions on the peaceful use of outer space, space debris mitigation and space security. It enables them to push for frameworks that prevent the monopolisation of space resources. After all, space is one of four areas recognised by the UN as the common heritage of humankind, the other three being Antarctica, the high seas and the atmosphere. By leveraging science diplomacy, Asean can overcome barriers to entry into the space economy, ensuring their participation in the global space sector while aligning space initiatives with their sustainable development goals. However, these are early days. Chang said "a comprehensive mapping of the moonshot project needs to be detailed to know the actual resource requirements needed". The Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (Might) and the Malaysian Space Agency, two agencies under the ministry, must respond to the minister's call." The writer is joint-chairman of Might, and the founding director of UCSI-IISDS
codeblue.galencentre.org/2025/02/housemen-bullying-at-ipoh-general-hospital-a-scandal-ignored-hou… Housemen Bullying At Ipoh General Hospital: A Scandal Ignored — Houseman "A houseman alleges bullying of housemen at Raja Permaisuri Bainun Hospital, Ipoh, such as physical assault, being forced to work double and triple shifts, revocation of mandatory off days if MC is taken, and denial of replacement leave for public holidays." "The Malaysian health care system is under fire as alarming reports of bullying, abuse, and exploitation of housemen continue to emerge from Raja Permaisuri Bainun Hospital (HRPB) in Ipoh, Perak. Despite widespread awareness and even legal notices, the Ipoh general hospital’s management and the Ministry of Health (MOH) seem to be turning a blind eye to this deeply entrenched culture of abuse." 1 "A Toxic Workplace: The Reality Behind Closed Doors Housemen, the backbone of patient care, are supposed to learn and grow under the guidance of senior doctors. Instead, many face relentless verbal abuse, humiliation, and crushing workloads. Public shaming during ward rounds, impossible deadlines, and a complete lack of mentorship are just the tip of the iceberg. Shocking evidence has now surfaced of physical abuse. In one recent incident, a specialist allegedly struck a houseman for daring to voice dissatisfaction. Even though a legal notice was sent to HRPB and the MOH, no action was taken. Instead, the perpetrator was rewarded with a promotion. It doesn’t stop there. Early last year, a viral post on social media detailed a case of sexual abuse of a houseman. Yet again, no action was taken, leaving the accused free to continue their career while the victim’s suffering was ignored. These stories highlight a system that punishes the vulnerable and shields the powerful. Adding to this, numerous complaints to the human resources department about bullying and abuse have allegedly been ignored or, worse, actively covered up. Housemen have reported that HR officials collude with specialists and higher management to sweep these issues under the rug, further deepening the culture of impunity." 2 "The Crushing Mental Health Toll The psychological toll on housemen is devastating. Anxiety, depression, and burnout are rampant, forcing some to resign or transfer. This not only shatters careers, but also intensifies the ongoing shortage of medical professionals in Malaysia. How can a nation expect quality health care when its youngest doctors are driven to the brink?" 3 "A System That Flouts the Law If emotional and physical abuse weren’t enough, housemen are also subjected to outright illegal practices: -Inhumane Work Hours: Forced to work double and triple shifts in violation of Malaysian labour laws. -Punitive Measures: Mandatory off days are revoked if housemen take medical leave, an illegal yet normalised punishment. -Denied Replacement Leave: Housemen are refused replacement leave for public holidays, with management citing “service needs.” Meanwhile, specialists and senior medical officers enjoy their entitlements without question. If the service collapses without housemen, why do their seniors get a pass? Why Does This Keep Happening? The root causes of this systemic abuse are clear: -Rigid Hierarchies: The traditional medical hierarchy breeds a culture of fear and unquestioned submission. -Stress-Induced Abuse: Overburdened senior doctors often lash out, perpetuating a toxic cycle. -Toxic Traditions: Some view abuse as a “rite of passage,” cementing a destructive culture. Institutional Collusion: Instead of addressing complaints, HR departments and higher management appear complicit in maintaining the status quo. -Incompetent Oversight: The MOH must address the glaring issue of unqualified staff managing complaints and investigations. Hiring competent professionals to handle such matters is crucial to restoring trust and ensuring justice. -Lack of Awareness Among Housemen: Housemen need to educate themselves on their rights and muster the courage to stand up against tyrannical behavior. Empowering themselves with knowledge is the first step to challenging the toxic environment." 4 "Lip Service Isn’t Enough The MOH has introduced initiatives like anonymous reporting channels and ethics workshops, but these measures have proven grossly inadequate. Fear of retaliation silences many housemen, while others have no faith in the system’s ability to deliver justice. The Urgent Need for Change This crisis demands immediate and decisive action: -Zero-Tolerance Policies: Implement strict anti-bullying rules with real consequences for violators. -Empowered Oversight: Create independent bodies to investigate abuse allegations, bypassing hospital management’s bias. -Supportive Mentorship: Assign mentors who can guide housemen without exploiting or intimidating them. -Mental Health Resources: Provide accessible, stigma-free counseling for all housemen. -Transparent Justice: Ensure swift legal action against offenders, sending a clear message that abuse will not be tolerated. Enough Is Enough The scandal of houseman bullying at Ipoh General Hospital is a damning indictment of Malaysia’s health care system. This isn’t just about workplace ethics — it’s about justice, dignity, and the future of the nation’s health care. How many more careers must be destroyed, how many more voices silenced, before real change happens? It’s time to break the silence and demand accountability. The well-being of housemen and the integrity of Malaysia’s health care system depend on it. The funny part is that when the MOH wanted to implement the Waktu Bekerja Berlainan (WBB) shift system pilot project, specialists and senior medical officers felt it was unfair. The majority of these people are the ones who subject houseman to these kinds of conditions. The irony." The author is a houseman at HRPB. CodeBlue is giving the author anonymity because civil servants are prohibited from writing to the press. Editor’s note: CodeBlue sought comments from the MOH prior to the publication of this article." 5
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Lestari Chat Episod Ketiga Telah disiarkan! Kali ini, Kami membincangkan mengenai PJ UP yang telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 2023, yang menumpukan pada penggalakan kursus Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional (TVET) bagi membolehkan golongan belia menguasai kemahiran tertentu. Untuk episod kali ini, saya telah menjemput Penyelaras PJ UP, Nazirah, untuk berkongsi lebih lanjut tentang topik ini.
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Gurauan dan Ancaman Dibandingkan?
Lee Chean Chung Kritik Pemuda PAS Kelirukan Rakyat
Seiring dengan peringatan dari Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Sultan Ibrahim,bahawa parti politik dan wakil rakyat harus mempertahankan perpaduan negara, bukan memecahbelahkan rakyat, saya menggesa Pemuda PAS agar tidak terus mengeluarkan kenyataan yang mengelirukan rakyat berkenaan isu pelawak Harith Iskander yang bergurau tentang sandwic ham, malah menuduh pihak polis mengamalkan pendakwaan terpilih.
Dalam Titah Diraja yang disampaikan pada Istiadat Pembukaan Mesyuarat Pertama Penggal Keempat Parlimen Ke-15, Baginda menegaskan agar wakil rakyat dan parti politik mengawal tutur kata dan tingkah laku mereka, serta tidak mencetuskan perpecahan. Namun, Pemuda PAS terus mengeluarkan kenyataan berkenaan isu Harith Iskander, mendakwa pihak polis bertindak cepat mendakwa suspek yang mengugut keluarga Harith, tetapi tidak mengambil tindakan terhadap pelawak itu dan seorang lagi pengguna media sosial, yang menurut mereka adalah satu bentuk pendakwaan terpilih.
"Saya rasa para pemimpin Pemuda PAS seolah-olah salah faham dengan isu sebenar, menyamakan gurauan dengan ancaman terhadap keluarga seseorang, dan seterusnya menyalahkan pihak polis. Ini adalah sesuatu yang tidak masuk akal."
Lee Chean Chung turut menyebut nama Timbalan Ketua Pemuda PAS, Mohd Hafez Sabri, yang sebagai pemimpin politik muda seharusnya menjadi contoh kepada generasi muda dan memainkan peranan dalam menyatukan masyarakat berbilang kaum.
"Perbuatan pemimpin muda adalah sangat penting bagi negara, terutamanya dalam mempengaruhi generasi pemimpin akan datang. Oleh itu, dalam kes ancaman terhadap keluarga Harith, Pemuda PAS perlu memahami keutamaan dan tidak mengaitkan undang-undang negara dengan kepentingan politik peribadi. Jangan hanya kerana politik, fakta diputarbelitkan."
Lee Chean Chung, yang juga Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya, menegaskan bahawa Harith Iskander adalah seorang pelawak yang bergantung pada jenaka dan gurauan untuk kerjayanya. Jika gurauan dan sindiran kini boleh dijadikan alasan untuk mengugut seseorang, maka di manakah kebebasan bersuara di negara kita?
"Wakil rakyat dan pemimpin muda seharusnya mengutamakan perpaduan negara dan keharmonian masyarakat, bukan menjadikan undang-undang sebagai alat untuk memanipulasi sentimen rakyat. Saya dengan ikhlas menasihati Hafez untuk menunjukkan teladan yang baik dan benar-benar memberi perhatian kepada kesejahteraan rakyat, bukannya menimbulkan ketegangan demi kepentingan politik jangka pendek."
YB Lee Chean Chung
Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya
Pengarah Komunikasi Nasional KEADILAN … See MoreSee Less
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Terbaik YB..! 💪💪😁
Maaf YB, Malaysia bukan macam US. semua benda dibuat gurauan dan sindiran. Di Malaysia, ada batas dan sempadan utk buat gurauan… Gurauan yg dibuat, telah menjemput follower untuk menambahkan bara Api dengan mengaitkan pula Nabi kami Muhammad SAW… YB kena nasihat semua masyarakat supaya tidak langgar sempadan, samada secara tak sengaja atau pun gurauan/sindiran…. Terima kasih
Yb perlu faham When there is Action definitely will have Reaction. Siapa punca seseorang itu boleh mengugut sehingga menjadi pengugut? 1) Harith iskandar memulakan satu posting yg berbaur provokasi dan mocking islam dipostnya sendiri dengan istilah "HAM".dari posting itu kenalan beliau Cecilia membalas post itu dengan Komen nama Nabi Muhamad S.A.W.. Disebabkan post terbabit seorg rakyat malaysia yg beragama islam bertindak mengunakan emosi dan akhir sekali dia telah dihukum. Persoalan sekarang punca segala masalah bermula dengan jenaka yg tidak bermoral dan harith juga membiarkan rakan2 beliau berbalas komen menyindir tambah pula seorang rakan harith Cecilia dengan berani menyebut nama Nabi highlight perkataan "HAM" dalam Muhamad..adakah ini tidak dengan sengaja memprovokasi rakyat malaysia yg beragama islam..?? Sehingga Kini tiada seorg pun tampil memohon maaf atau dikenakan tindakkan.. Kalo nak ikutkan Harith and the gang perlu disoal dibawah akta 3R..kerana ianya satu gurauan yg menyentuh Religion. Harap YB jangan baling batu sorok tangan.. Sebb harith and the geng yg memulakan sesuatu dengan membaling batu sorok tangan bila batu yg terkena pada seseorng ugut saja terus "play victim".. Tq
The most inspiring news i got from backbenchers Pre-council meeting with PM yesterday is the reintroduction of Parliamentary Services Act (PSA)!
It is confirmed in the briefing that PSA will be tabled in this session, and we would need 2/3 majority to get the constitutional amendment passed.
Since the repeal of the PSA in 1992, Parliament’s administration has been under the jurisdiction of the executive, reducing its autonomy.
PSA allows Parliament to function independently of the Executive (the Government), particularly in terms of administration, staffing, and financial matters. A restored PSA would also allow committees to have sufficient resources, staffing, and legal authority to operate effectively.
Restoring the PSA stands as a pivotal milestone of MADANI government committed to genuine institutional reform. It will signal Malaysia’s commitment to good governance, transparency, and democratic reforms. Certainly it will improve Malaysia’s international reputation as a country that respects the rule of law and parliamentary democracy.
No longer a rubber stamp, but a “cop mohor rakyat”! … See MoreSee Less
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Hope to contribute on medical premiums from my 30 years working in the industry. Will share the industry secrets and what the rakyat should expect. No more paying for 20 years and still getting huge premium increases!
YB. Happy Chinese new year 🧧
With PSA we the Rakyat expect more from each of you MPs. Where are the list of reforms? Fixed PM tenure, equal CDF, reform seat allocation on interstate and intra state malapportionment, AG PP split, education system reform to name a few. And does PSA allow you to vote with conscience? Does PSA increase the number of seating days?
Semoga SSH senang rakyat jgn dilupakan.. GERAN tanah SARATA.. bila nk LULUS kn..hehe..
More red tapes.
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